
香课程 2024-03-04 06:55:21


a bolt from the blue


该习语中的bolt本义表示“门闩”,在这里表示“闪电”,the blue代指the sky,即“天空”。所以该习语主要用来喻指“a complete surprise, like a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky”,即“彻底的惊讶,就像晴空霹雳”,相当于汉语里的“晴天霹雳;出人意表;出乎意料;始料不及;令人吃惊;大感意外”。


The news that the president was murdered came like a bolt from the blue for many people in this country.


We had been sure he was in New York, so his sudden appearance was a bolt from the blue.


Miss Anne has just got her salary raised , so her decision to resign was a bolt from the blue


Bill did not see it coming at all. It was a complete bolt from the blue, the person said.



该习语中还存在其他几种说法,如out of the blue或a bolt out of the blue。较早使用该习语的书面记录来自Thomas Carlyle的《The French Revolution》(1837):

"Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the Blue, has hit strange victims."

一说该习语源自罗马的抒情诗人Quintus Horatius Flaccus,即Horace(贺拉斯,与维吉尔、奥维德并称为古罗马三大诗人),他在自己的作品《Ode 34》中这么写道:

“My prayers were scant, my offerings few,While witless wisdom fool'd my mind;But now I trim my sails anew,And trace the course I left behind.For lo! the Sire of heaven on high,By whose fierce bolts the clouds are riven,To-day through an unclouded sky”



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