
专筑网 2019-04-04 23:25:25


MVRDV And COBE Create Colourful "Box-In-A-Box" Concept For High School In Denmark

MVRDV 事务所和COBE事务所最近成功将一个旧工厂改造成了一个新的高中建筑,他们的室内设计概念是五彩斑斓的“盒中盒”。项目地点位于丹麦的的Roskilde ,就坐落在2016年建成同样由MVRDV 事务所和COBE事务所设计的金色摇滚音乐博物馆旁边。

这个项目,命名为Roskilde Festival Folk High School,是由MVRDV与丹麦的Cobe公司合作的设计的,这里曾经是Roskilde的旧的工业场地。

MVRDV and COBE have transformed an old industrial building into a new high school by creating a colourful "box-in-a-box" concept in the interior. Located in Roskilde, Denmark, the building is situated just new to the golden Rock Music Museum that MVRDV and COBE completed in 2016.

The project, named Roskilde Festival Folk High School, is a one-of-a-kind school designed by MVRDV in collaboration with Danish firm COBE for a formerly industrial site in Roskilde, Denmark.


Roskilde Festival Folk高中与世界著名的Roskilde音乐节息息相关,每到音乐节,这个位于哥本哈根的小镇就会变成丹麦的第四大城市。这所学校是丹麦民校的一个典例,它的办学理念是“面向成人的非正式终身教育”。

Located inside an existing factory hall the school, and the new-build student housing that accompanies it, are the final pieces of the ROCKmagneten masterplan, also designed by MVRDV and COBE.

The Roskilde Festival Folk High School is closely linked to the world-famous Roskilde Music Festival, which every year temporarily turns this small town on the outskirts of Copenhagen into the fourth-largest city in Denmark. The school is an example of the Danish system of folk high schools, which deliver a "non-formal adult education" following the concept of “lifelong learning”.

该理念是由19世纪丹麦知识分子l N.F.S. Grundtvig提出的,他认为学校应该引导学生成为社会的积极参与者。Roskilde Festival高中的课程一般持续4-10个月,在此期间学生和老师会一起在学校生活,以达到沉浸式教育的目的。

This system is based on the ideas of 19th-century Danish intellectual N.F.S. Grundtvig, who believed schools should educate their students to be active participants in society. Courses at Roskilde Festival High School last between 4–10 months, with students and teachers living together at the school to achieve total immersion in their education.

Roskilde Festival高中旨在通过音乐、媒体、领导力、政治、艺术、建筑和设计课程进一步提升Roskilde Festival的价值,这是丹麦五十年来的第一所专门建造的此类学校。

The Roskilde Festival High School is the first purpose-built school of this type in Denmark in 50 years, and aims to further the values of the Roskilde Festival through courses in music, media, leadership, politics, art, architecture, and design.


新建成的建筑作为于2016年竣工的“主唱”Ragnarock 博物馆的背景,给博物馆增添了魅力。

The full plan for the site includes the school, housed in a former concrete factory, two new blocks of student housing, a building housing the school’s staff, and a strip of adaptable shipping-container-based structures that will host an ever-changing group of innovative startups – many with connections to music and youth culture.

These newly completed buildings will now act as the backing group to the “lead singer” Ragnarock museum which was completed in 2016, providing rhythm and energy to complement the museum’s singular charisma.

“我们的设计,就像学校本身是被Roskilde Festival的精神鼓舞的一样。都是关于音乐,艺术,激情,还有自由。” MVRDV的负责人兼联合创始人Jacob van Rijs说。


"Our design, just like the school itself, was inspired by the spirit of the Roskilde Festival. It is all about music, art, activism – but most of all, freedom," said Jacob van Rijs, principal and co-founder of MVRDV.

"The Roskilde festival combines ‘having a good time’ with innovation in an informal way, giving a special vibe that we wanted to capture in the design of the interior of the school."


The school is housed in a former concrete factory, reusing the original structure’s columns and roof but replacing the walls and interior. The design is based upon a "box-in-a-box" concept: colourful modules fill the warehouse-like shell of the main building, all arranged around a central spine cutting from one side of the building to the other. Alongside this route is a wooden tribune that acts as the communal heart of the school.

“我以前也是在民办高中读书的,这次把以前的混凝土工厂改造成民办高中,并且促进对下一代的教育,对我来说这是一项特殊的任务。”COBE的创始人兼建筑师Dan Stubbergaard说。


"For me as a former folk high school student it was a very special task to transform a former concrete factory into a folk high school with the purpose of shaping future generations of students," said Dan Stubbergaard, architect and founder of COBE.

"By opening the building up and adding new boxes inside the old structure we revitalize the building. A defunct industrial building has become a bustling hub for creativity and community."


The boxes host a variety of different functions including an auditorium (named the Orange Stage in a nod to the main stage of the Festival) for 150 people, a music studio, a workshop, androoms for dance, art, and architecture.

这些功能分为三个区域:一区属于增强思维能力的区域,包括对写作、思考、辩论和领导能力的培养, 第二区则专注于学生的身体健康教育,包括舞蹈和音乐教学,而第三区则主要针对学生的动手能力,包括视觉艺术,建筑和设计等。

These functions are arranged into three zones: some host pursuits of the mind, including writing, thinking, debate, and leadership; others are focused on students’ use of their bodies, including dance and music functions, while the third zone hosts activities focused on the hand, including visual arts, architecture, and design.


The two blocks of student housing complement the character of the site with their simple, industrial aesthetic. They are constructed from modules of wood structure sheathed in metal, evoking the appearance of shipping containers, and the two blocks are connected on each level by an external steel walkway. Inside, each student shares a room with one or two of theirmates, with rooms on each floor arranged around a bright communal space.

Roskilde Festival Folk高中及其校区的总体规划有11000平方米,是RockMagneten的核心,该校区旨在为丹麦蓬勃发展的青年文化创造一个能够鼓舞人心的枢纽平台。


The Roskilde Festival Folk High School and its campus are the culmination of the 11,000-square-metre masterplan ROCKMagneten, a district designed to create an inspiring hub for the flourishing youth culture of Denmark.

The plan consists of the school, the student apartments and the rock museum Ragnarock (completed in 2016), which is an expression of youth culture with its striking façade of gold-coloured aluminium.

Image Rasmus Hjortshøj - COAST

ROCKMagneten外面的空间很快就会成为一个年轻人日常轻松社交的场所,特别是在每年七月为期八天的Roskilde 音乐节上。

The outdoor space of ROCKMagneten will soon become an important informal meeting place for young people, especially in June during the annual 8-day Roskilde Festival.

Image Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

新建筑的竣工标志着MVRDV和Cobe之间长期合作的成功实现,他们共同设计了Roskilde Festival Folk高中、学生宿舍和RockMagneten的总体规划。

The completion of the buildings marks the successful realisation of a long partnership between MVRDV and COBE, who worked together on the design and realisation of the Roskilde Festival Folk High School, the student housing, and the entire ROCKmagneten masterplan.


图片:Ossip van Duivenbode

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