
英语正强课程 2024-07-27 03:43:07

Robyns distinguishes four basic attitudes, depending on whether the ‘otherness' of the foreign (and hence the identity of the self) is or is not viewed as irreducible, and on whether or not the receptor culture adapts the intrusive elements to its own norms.

①When one culture sees another as compatible and translation is not a cause for concern or alarm, he speaks of that culture adopting a ‘transdiscursive’ stance.

②When a culture reckons it lacks something which is available elsewhere and can be imported, we have a ‘defective’stance.

③When a culture wards off imports and tries to contain their impact because it feels they may threaten its identity, the attitude is ‘defensive'.

④And when a culture only allows imports if they are thoroughly naturalized because it takes the value of its own models for granted, Robyns terms this, not very logically, an ‘imperialist’stance.






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