
良陆海 2024-10-14 10:09:18


Lockheed Martin has received more than $13 million in additional funds for the AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic missile program. The deal could be part of work to wind down the effort, but is also the latest in a string of developments that have raised questions about its current status. The War Zone has already explored signs pointing to a potential follow-on to ARRW, possibly tied in with work on a related program called Tactical Boost Glide (TBG), which may already be occurring in theified realm.

On September 26, the U.S. Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin’s Missile and Fire Control division a new modification, valued at $13,447,746, to an existing ARRW contact. The contract’s cumulative value increased to $1,319,270,400 as a result. The news came in the Pentagon’s daily contracting notice.

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