
专筑网 2021-02-23 20:07:34

YTL集团总部 / MODYTL Headquarters / Ministry of Design由专筑网沈17,小R编译设计概要:为了统一。成立于1955年的马来西亚大型基础设施企业YTL,从一家小型建筑公司成长为一家涵盖石油和天然气、水泥、建筑、房地产开发和酒店的全球基础设施公司。Design brief: To unify. YTL Corporation Berhad, a large Malaysian infrastructure conglomerate founded in 1955, grew from a small construction firm into a global infrastructure company spanning oil & gas, cement, construction, property development and hotels.

YTL总部位于吉隆坡市中心,之前办公室都分散在不同地点,这是第一次把YTL的整个部门集合在一起,其中共有数十个部门,1000名员工,每个部门都有自己的文化和业务。Previously occupying various offices in different locations, this YTL Headquarters located in Central Kuala Lumper (along Jalan Bukit Bintang) brings together for the first time, the entire suite of YTL departments (numbering more than a dozen, comprising 1000 staff members), each of which have developed their own culture and operations.

Ministry of Design事务所的主要任务是设计这些部门共享的公共区域,即一楼大堂和8-10层,并呈现统一的品牌特质。因此,MOD尝试创造一系列精心设计的空间体验,旨在平衡YTL流传下来的企业专业精神和拥抱变革、应对未来的态度。The brief for MOD was to design the public areas shared by these departments, i.e. Ground Floor lobby and levels 8-10, and present a unified brand identity under one roof. As such, MOD sought to create a series of choreographed spatial experiences which aim to balance YTL’s legacy of corporate professionalism with a future-forward attitude that embraces change.

设计概念:为了尊重传承,注入对未来的期许。空间里有两个主要的公共区域,首层的大堂和8-10层这三层,包含一系列的集体会议区和一个咖啡馆。Design concept: To respect legacy and infuse future-forwardness. There are 2 main public area zones, the Ground Floor lobby, and 3 upper floors (levels 8-10) which comprises a host of collective meeting zones, and a cafe.

在首层,迎接游客的是一个垂直洞穴般的大堂,高度上的跨度超过25米(7层)。MOD所面对的设计挑战是,如何增强空间的宏伟效果,却又不缩小使用者的尺度感,并提供一个欢迎的入口。因此,大堂的设计需要在比例、光线控制和使用的材料上下功夫。这个高耸的空间被设计成在白天捕捉光线,在晚上则像灯笼一样发光。At the Ground Floor, visitors are greeted by a vertically cavernous lobby which spans more than 25-meters in height (7 floors). The design challenge for MOD, was how to enhance the majestic quality of the space, yet not dwarf the human scale and provide a welcoming entrance. As such, the lobby is a study in proportion, light control and a disciplined use of materials. The soaring space has been designed to capture the rays of light in the daytime, and glow like a lantern in the evening.

MOD设计了大理石覆层的柱子,使底层的节奏更密集、扎实,而相比之下顶部就会变得更轻,给人一种上升的轻盈感。MOD在白色布加萨大理石的连续图案之中,插入了使用青铜打造的水平条纹和山脊条纹。借此带来视觉上的放松,取代了连续上升直到顶部的压迫感。一件闪闪发光的艺术装置像云朵一样盘旋在一系列壁龛上,在这个巨大的空间中提供了人的尺度感。MOD将座位区设计成建筑内部的壁龛,而不仅仅是装饰性的长凳。这些座位区为游客提供了标志性的巴塞罗那沙发,供他们坐下来休息,欣赏大厅宏伟的洞穴般的空间品质,壁龛也采用相同的限制材料,和青铜珠、喷砂、金属装饰等材料保持一致。MOD designed the marble-clad columns such that its rhythm is denser and more grounded at the bottom, yet getting lighter towards the top, giving the impression of ascending lightness. MOD inserted horizontal striations and ridges using bronze accents, in the continuing pattern of white Bugatsa Marble, to provide visual relief rather than a continuous ascension to the top. A glittering art installation hovers like a cloud over a series of pavilion niches, which provide a sense of human scale in this vast space. MOD designed the seating areas as architectural pavilion niches rather than mere decorative benches. These seating areas provide iconic Barcelona Couches for visitors to sit on and admire the lobby’s majestic cavernous quality, and the pavilion niches are also designed in the same restrained material palette, featuring bronze bead blast metal trims for consistency.

访客在接待处签到并通过旋转门后,在进入电梯大堂之前,他们可以在电梯按钮区指示目标楼层号码。尽管MOD想要保证从落客区到梯厢的体验完全对称,但现有的楼梯阻止了这种想法,作为回应,MOD建造了一个青铜覆盖的“入口”来固定电梯入口区域,当游客进入主大堂时,目光会被吸引到电梯大厅,考虑到统一的材料色调设计,电梯大堂与主大堂均采用相同的青铜金属材料。After a visitor signs in at the reception desk and proceeds past the turnstiles, they would indicate the destination floor number at the lift call button area before entering the lift lobby (incorporating a “destination-dispatching” elevator system). Design-wise, while MOD wanted to keep the entrance experience entirely symmetrical from the drop-off to the lift car, there was an existing stair core which prevents this symmetry; in response, MOD created a bronze-clad “portal” to anchor the lift portal and draw a visitor’s eyes towards that lift lobby when he enters the main lobby. The lift lobby is accented with the same bronze metal as the main lobby for a consistently disciplined material palette.

8到10层包括有一个咖啡馆、多种类型的开放和封闭的会议空间和一个122座的功能房。这个公共区域预设为大堂区域的延伸,成为YTL员工、外部访客和顾问之间的连接场所。Levels 8 to 10 comprise a café, multiple types of open & closed meeting spaces and a 122-pax function room. This public zone is conceived to be an extension of the lobby area, and is conceptualized to be the point of interface between YTL staff and external visitors and consultants.

八层的核心是漂亮的灰色花岗岩咖啡柜台,配置青铜搁架、橡木天花板和墙壁。提供新鲜烘焙的糖果以及芳香浓咖啡。咖啡柜台的垂直面采用了粗糙边缘的裂面花岗岩,水平操作台则采用了光滑的黑芝麻抛光花岗岩。The “heart” of L8 is the handsome grey granite café counter with bronze shelves and oak timber ceilings and walls. Serving up freshly baked confectionary as well as aromatic espressos, this café counter is designed with a rough-edged split-face granite on its vertical surfaces and a smooth black sesame polished granite for the horizontal counter.

为了在8层和9层之间建立连接性,MOD引入了一个空隙和一个特色螺旋楼梯,设计了一个由粉末涂层青铜金属制成的垂直杆件构成的笼状楼梯,充满活力,其落在黑色碎石铺地上。游客在攀爬楼梯的同时,手扶优雅的皮革扶手,能感受到永恒的优雅和材料的精致。To introduce connectivity between Levels 8 and 9, MOD introduced a void and a feature spiral stair, designing an arresting and dynamic cage-like stair with vertical rods made of powder coated bronze metal, sitting on a bed of black gravel. A visitor is meant to feel a sense of timeless elegance and beautifully crafted materiality whilst climbing the stair, with one hand on the elegant leather handrails.

在8、9和10层,MOD都打造了多种会议空间类型,来适应从小到大、从私人到公开的不同规模的聚会。这些空间包括休闲公共桌椅区,开放式讨论区,办公桌/沙发桌/展位座位区,半封闭式会议室,隔音私人会议室,贵宾室和可容纳122人的大型多功能会议区。On all three levels 8, 9, and 10, MOD has created a myriad of meeting space types to suit a variety of small to large gatherings, private to non-private. These spaces range from casual communal tables, open discussion areas, hot-desk / banquette seating / booth seating areas, to semi-enclosed meeting rooms, acoustically private rooms, a VIP room and a large multi-function meeting area that can seat 122 persons.

这些空间采用温暖而复杂的色调设计,墙壁和天花板采用温暖的橡木木材,地板是银色貂纹大理石,照明装置则采用黑色粉末涂层的金属装饰。咖啡馆、长沙发和展位座椅的软垫采用德国Saum & Viebahn公司的创新纤维,其“神奇”之处在于其可以高频使用的高品质面料和易于维护清洗的特点。桌子的特点是醒目的黑色大理石和优雅的白色大理石。封闭的会议室配备了来自“网状效应”系列的精美地毯地板,另外还有优雅的棕色皮革椅子和木桌。These spaces are designed with a warm and sophisticated palette, featuring warm oak timber for the walls and ceilings, silver mink marble flooring, and black powder-coated metal trims for lighting fixtures. The café, banquette and booth seating are upholstered in German-based innovative fabric from Saum & Viebahn whose “magic” range features high quality fabrics built for high-usage and easy maintenance. The tables feature either striking black Nero Marquina marble or elegant white Calacatta marble. The enclosed meeting rooms feature handsome carpet flooring from the Net Effect Collection, elegant brown leather chairs and timber tables.

建筑设计:Ministry of Design类型:办公楼,室内设计面积:3045 m2年份:2020年摄影:David Yeow生产商:Interface, Kreon, Nippon Paint, Toto, Axis Stone Snd Bhd, Brandston Partnership, DDG Glass Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Fórmica, Inovar Contracts Sdn Bhd, Interface Singapore, Neiviv Home, PVD Titanium Coating Sdn Bhd, Quantum One Sdn Bhd, R&C Creative Studios Sdn Bhd, Roselle Mont Clair, Space Furniture, Studio Sawada Design主创建筑师:Ministry of Design设计团队:Colin Seah, Joyce Low, Ruth Chong, Kevin Leong , Damien Saive, Namrata Mehta, Fai Suvisith, Justin Lu, Zhang Hang, Maggie Lek, Kaye Mojica, Richard Herman, Rais Rahman, Tasminah Ali, Azilawanti Wati概念设计:Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates设计:Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd委托人:YTL Corporation Berhad室内承包商:Quantum One Sdn Bhd记录建筑师:Veritas Design Group首层艺术设计:悬挂艺术雕塑“叶子”,泽田工作室设计有限公司室内施工时间:24个月城市:吉隆坡国家:马来西亚

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