
专筑网 2021-02-26 16:19:55

花园露台之家 / Chơn.aGardening Terrace House / Chơn.a由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。每一间房子都有美丽的灵魂。当人们尝试理解,并在其中感到平静和分享的心情的时候,房子的周边环境总是存在着潜移默化的影响。Text description provided by the architects. Each house has a beautiful soul. The surrounding situations to wrap a house is always advantageous when people understand them, and feel within them a peaceful and sharing mind.

西边的土地位于一条大路上,正好是新近建成的城市区域的中心位置。正午时分,直射的太阳十分晃眼,伴随着交通噪音和粉尘,是建筑师在调查场地现状时不得不提及的所有元素。The western land is located on a large road in the center of a newly formed urban area. Direct solar radiation hit at noon, along with traffic noise and dust were all factors to be mentioned when we surveyed the current state of the lot.

露台空间以及露台屋顶系统创造了连续的屋顶花园,较深的回槽在下午遮挡了灼热的日光。对于每个卧室来说,使用者都能通过大门旁繁茂的绿叶感受到清晨的阳光。有了公共的走廊、阳台,建筑师试图创造一些介于公共和私密之间的前置空间。正是在这种空间里,光线、自然、景致以及人类连接有了过渡,开放又内含,私密又敏感。The terraced space and the terraced roof system created continuing floor gardens, with deep setbacks shielding from the hot sun in the afternoon. From each bedroom, people feel the morning sunlight shine through the green foliage beside the large doors. With the public corridors, balcony, we want to make some forward spaces between public space and private space. It is the transition in light, the nature space, view and the human connection in the spaces, that is both open and inclusive, both private and sensitive.

利用传统的氛围和现代的材料创造起居空间,建筑师试图调和每个人的外在和精神生活,重新回归平静的内在灵魂。水面、树、灯光和冷风使得人们和自然和谐共处,共享生命。With traditional atmosphere and modern material to create the living space, we tried to reconcile the external life with the spiritual life of every human, bringing them back to peace in their inner soul. Water surface, trees, light and cool winds allow people and nature to live together, sharing the days of one human life.

大自然是造物主赐予人类的妙不可言的治愈,通过每一缕阳光、每一缕绿芽、每一丝微风来感受生命;每一次呼吸,每一根树枝的叶子或平静的湖面。平静总是存在于每一个空间,让人也能从每一个灵魂深处感受到宁静。Nature is a therapeutics marvelous thing that the creator has bestowed on man, feeling life through every sunshine, green shoot or breeze; in every breath, every twig branch of leaves or a calm lake surface. The tranquility is always present in every space, making people also feel peace from deep within each soul.

建筑设计:Chon.a类型:住宅面积:400 m2年份:2020年摄影师:Quang Chon生产商:Sika, INAX, TAICERA, Toto, Panasonic主创建筑师:Quang Chon协作方:Nguyen Minh Phuc, Ho Thi Thanh Thuy, Huynh Dat Dao, Duong Thi Tuyet建筑工程师:Van Thi施工管理:Mai Tran Dang Vuong城市:芽庄市国家:越南

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