
艺苑集萃 2023-10-21 11:19:05


开幕时间:2023.10.1 16:30






Participating artists:Zhang Fangbai, Feng Jialiang, and Le Jian

Opening time:16:30, October 10, 2023

Exhibition time:October 1, 2023- November 1, 2023

Adress:4A 109, No. 50 Moganshan Road,Putuo District, Shanghai, China

Publisher:Wolfgang Neu(Germany)

Curator:Xue Hongyan(China)

Academic Chair:Martin Rendel(Germany)


艺术家简介(Artist Introduction)

乐坚,1961 年生于上海,1985 年就读上海大学美术学院国画系,1999 年起任上海人民美术出版社副总编辑,现任中国互联网艺术大会艺术总监。


艺术家作品(Artistic works)


The essence of wood is wood

纸本水墨 Ink on paper


乐坚 Le Jian



The essence of wood is wood

纸本水墨 Ink on paper


乐坚 Le Jian



The essence of wood is wood

纸本水墨 Ink on paper


乐坚 Le Jian







The Growth Power of Dead Branch and Fragments in Le Jian's Painting

Mr. Le Jian's works are also typical of 'abstract expression'. His works adopt a style similar to dead wood and fragments, seemingly speaking about topics related to past history and contemporary life.In the open world, a curved dead wood or fragment emerges in the air, carrying a bit of fatigue and a dazzling vicissitudes. Is this a tortuous interpretation of art history? Or is it the intricate freehand brushwork of an artist's life? Or is it a depiction of the scene of "heaven and earth being inhumane and all things being cud dogs"?Laozi said, "People follow the earth, the earth follows the heavens, the heavens follow the Tao, and the Tao follows nature." This means that all things in the world follow the "Tao" and come from birth and death, without the need for "action" to interfere.Your 'achievements' will only go against the original intention of' Dao '. In Laozi's eyes, there is no good or bad, good or evil, loyalty or treachery, only inaction in following the "Tao" and action against the "Tao".

Both are dead branches or fragments, but the three works exhibited by Mr. Le Jian demonstrate vastly different cultural qualities. We can imagine it as a time and space rich in growth rings, or as a decayed culture, or as a strong temperament of life, or as beauty or vicissitudes, emitting unique odors from dead trees or debris.As Mr. Le Jian said, "The expression of abstraction is also the second nature, which means that the surface of the painting language may seem concrete, but the artistic conception has abstract concepts."

When artists create, they rely on a carrier to express a certain image. Mr. Le Jian chose "dead wood and fragments" as the artistic creation carrier for speech and expression.Through the gray, dark gray, and even almost black ink, we can see a flowing texture, either astringent, rounded, long, short, flowing, or solidified... At this moment, ink is just a tool for expression. Mr. Le Jian has broken through or abandoned the traditional techniques of Chinese ink painting, repeatedly pondering and experimenting on a "dead branch or fragment", Examined the grand culture of contemporary Chinese expression in extremely small objects.Performance is not just a privilege of the West. China has had great freehand brushwork since ancient times, but there are differences in the carriers of writing.

The combination of clumpy "dead branches and fragments" and delicate ink strokes has expanded the connotation and extension of contemporary expression in Chinese ink experiments. In the era of flattery and flattery, this context is clearly peripheral, with the periphery being niche and the niche also embodying the artist's philosophy.(Writer/Xue Hongyan)


开幕场景花絮(Opening Scene Gags)

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