
专筑网 2019-04-22 22:30:32


BIG unveils Oceanix City concept for floating villages that can withstand hurricanes


BIG的创始人Bjarke Ingels近日在纽约举办的联合国首脑会议上展示了漂浮城市这个概念。

它被命名为“Oceanix City”,这个概念设计是由一系列六个为一组的岛屿组成的漂浮城市。这些成组的岛屿将会成倍重复组成一个12公顷的村落,可容纳1650个居民,进而组成一个容纳10000人的群岛。

Architecture firm BIG has designed a concept for a floating city of 10,000 people that could help populations threatened by extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

BIG founder Bjarke Ingels unveiled the scheme yesterday at a round-table discussion on floating cities at the United Nations's New York headquarters.

Called Oceanix City, the concept consists of buoyant islands clustered together in groups of six to form villages. These clusters would then be repeated in multiples of six to form a 12-hectare village for 1,650 residents, and then again to form an archipelago home to 10,000 citizens.

Oceanix City的六边形模块可以安置10000名居民/Oceanix City comprises hexagonal modules that can be built up to accommodate up to 10,000 residents


Oceanix是一个在水上发展的公司,他们委托BIG与Oceanix 和MIT海洋工程中心合作深入这个概念设计。

这个方案在第一届联合国圆桌会议的可漂浮城市主题中亮相,此次会议是Oceanix与MIT、Explorers Club 以及 UN-Habita共同召开的,UN-Habita是负责城市发展的联合国分支机构。

"We've based it on this modular idea of a hexagonal island," Ingels said in the presentation at the roundtable. "It has the omni-direction of a circle but it has the modularity and rationality of something manmade."

Oceanix – a company that develops innovate ways to build on water – commissioned BIG to develop the concept, working with MIT's Center for Ocean Engineering and Oceanix.

The scheme was unveiled at the First UN High-level Roundtable on Sustainable Floating Cities, which Oceanix co-convened with MIT, the Explorers Club and UN-Habitat, a UN offshoot mandated to work with city development.

漂浮的六边形模块将被用来保护中心圈的水/Floating modules would be arranged to protect an inner circle of water







Oceanix City is intended to provide a habitable, off-shore environment in the event of rising sea levels, which are expected to affect 90 per cent of the world's coastal cities by 2050.

Each of the modules would be built on land and then towed to sea, where they would be anchored in place. The miniature islands are also designed to survive a category-five hurricane.

Arrangements would be flexible so that the cities could be moved if water levels became too low.

BIG intends the buildings atop to be constructed from locally sourced "replenishable" materials such wood and fast-growing bamboo, which also offer " warmth and softness to touch".

A number of renewable energy resources, such as wind and water turbines and solar panels are also incorporated. Food production and farming would be integrated and follow a zero-waste policy.

"Every island has 3,000 square metres of outdoor agriculture that will also be designed so that it can be enjoyed as free space," said Ingels.

在村庄的边缘,可以进行允许各种的沿海活动/Edges of the villages will allow for activities on the waterfront




Structures populating the modules will be low-level – predicted to rise four to seven stories – in order to keep the centre of gravity. Renderings show that the buildings will taper out towards the top to provide shading and also extra roof space for solar panels.

Each mini-village will include a community framework for living, including water baths, markets, spiritual and cultural hubs, but BIG intends the Oceanix City to be adaptable to "any culture, any architecture".

Another major benefit of the floating city, according to Oceanix co-founder Marc Collins Chen, is that it is an example of an affordable development, which could offer a solution to displaced societies.

农业将与社交空间相结合,使社区能够实现自给自足/Farming would be integrated with social space enable communities to provide their own food and be self-sufficient

“我们的目标是确保可持续的漂浮城市是大家都能够负担得起的,可供所有有需要的沿海地区使用的,” Chen说,“它们不应该成为富人的特权。”

Oceanix City想要在亚热带和热带地区进行开发,因为这些地区最容易发生洪水,但同时具有能够在短时间内提供生态环境的能力。

“我们提出的想法并不是让我们将来会生活在海上,”Ingels说, “我们不会把它变成海洋世界。”


"It is our goal to make sure sustainable floating cities are affordable and available to all coastal areas in need," said Chen. "They should not become a privilege of the rich."

Oceanix City is intended to be developed in sub-tropical and tropical areas that are most at risk of flooding first, but could soon offer a more attractive living environment.

"The idea that we are presenting here is not that we will all be living at sea in the future," said Ingels. "It won't be waterworld."

"This is simply another form of human habitat that can be a seed, that essentially can grow with its success as it turns out to be socially and environmentally desirable to chose this lifestyle," he continued.

未来用来种蔬菜的曲线大温室效果图/Renderings for the scheme feature large, curved glasshouses where the plants will grow

BIG在联合国推出的Oceanix City标志着人们在应对海平面上升问题和极端天气问题上的重大一步。联合国副秘书长Amina Mohammed将漂浮城市描述为一种能解决人类面临的“前沿问题”的方式。


BIG's unveiling of Oceanix City at the UN marks a major step forward for developing cities adapted to climate change and the resulting threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

Amina Mohammed, UN deputy secretary-general, described floating cities as a way of tackling "frontier issues" facing human populations.

"We must build cities for people, not cars," she said. "And we must build cities knowing that they will be on the frontlines of climate-related risks-from rising sea levels to storms. Floating cities can be part of our new arsenal of tools."

海底,浮礁,海藻,牡蛎,贻贝,扇贝和蛤蜊养殖能够清洁村庄的用水/Undersea, biorock floating reefs, seaweed, oysters, mussel, scallop and clam farming clean the water for use in the villages


Oceanix City是漂浮城市计划的一部分,这个项目是为应对海平面上升而开发的。 项目包括Amsterdam's river IJ的浮动住宅群和英国的amphibious 住宅。

美国的许多城市都在探索加强海岸线的策略。 波士顿和迈阿密正在采取一系列措施来解决洪水问题,而旧金山湾区则举行了一项设计竞赛,主题是保护沿海地区,使其免受海平面上升和地震的侵害。

Chen revealed that the team will move forward with producing a prototype of the scheme, with ambitions to launch it on New York's East River.

Oceanix City forms part of a surge of interest in floating cities, developed in response to rising sea levels. Examples of projects include colonies of floating houses along Amsterdam's river IJ and an amphibious house in the UK.

A number of US cities are exploring other ways to bolster their vulnerable shorelines. Boston and Miami are taking steps to address flooding, while San Francisco and the Bay Area unveiled a design competition asking for ways to protect coastal areas from rising sea levels, as well as earthquakes.

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