时间都是偷偷溜走的,秋已至,天渐冷,没人会关心你过的好不好,千篇一律的日子里,只希望你能活的更随心,世间百态不过是过眼云烟。Time is sneaking away, autumn has come, the day is getting cold, no one will care about you have a good, the same day, only hope that you can live more follow, the world is just fleeting clouds.
我知道的,你有在努力去控制那些忽好忽坏的烂情绪。希望我们共勉,看更多广阔的世界,而不是在鸡毛蒜皮中纠结不开身。I know, you're trying to control those bad emotions. I hope we encourage us to see more of the wider world, rather than tangle in the trifles.
风已经有冬天的味道了,这一年又接近了尾声,有人关心你过得幸福吗?如果没有,那我祝你从此刻开始幸福。The wind has had the taste of winter, this year is close to an end, anyone care about your happiness? If not, then I wish you happiness from this moment on.
确实不是每一天都会很好,但每一天里,一定会有小美好。当年决定热爱生活的那刻起,日子就会变得温柔而又闪亮。说不定,你还能捕捉到可爱的自己。Indeed, not every day will be very good, but every day, there will be a little good. The moment I decided to love life, life will become gentle and shining. Maybe you can still capture your cute self.