The human body is designed to follow a certain rhythm and at the end of the day, we feel tired, so we need to take a rest. But even if we get a good night’s sleep, eat well and exercise, it is a lot harder to get rid of the feeling of being tired of life.
There is a whole Instagram page dedicated to posts about being tired, being lazy and not caring in general named iam.tired.ok. They are funny because they are true, which in some cases is quite sad, but there is comfort in knowing that someone thinks and feels in a similar way.
- 起床!- 为什么?早晨了!所以呢?我很没信心面对新的一天,没有你我做不到食物给你能量我吃完饭的样子我冒着丢工作、事业和前途的风险多睡15分钟觉当你意识到现在是周日早晨你可以多睡会儿我讨厌别人问我“你今天做了什么?”,听着兄弟,我中午才起床然后就是下午5点了我不知道这算做了什么相比早上六点起床,好像熬夜到六点更容易些当你早上起不来床早上六点人们跟我说话我正在处理醒来后的创伤你早上的流程中哪项花的时间最长?决定起床当你让你妈妈8点叫你起床七点:迟到了!