产地origin: 陕西宝鸡 Shanxi Baoji
种植面积planting area: 约20.5万亩 about 205000 acres
年产量year yield: 约38万吨 about 380000 tons
产季season: 10月-11月 OCT.-NOV.
一、产区特点:Characteristics of the production area:
1. Located on the Loess Plateau in northern Wei, with a high altitude. The altitude of apple production areas is between 750-1300 meters, with an annual sunshine duration of 2536.8 hours. The abundant sunshine and large temperature difference between day and night are conducive to fruit coloring and sugar accumulation.
2. The soil layer is deep, reaching 80-200 meters; The soil is fertile and has a high organic matter content, generally exceeding 1%, with the highest reaching 3%; The soil pH value is 7.8, with good permeability, suitable for apple planting.
3. Groundwater resources are abundant and irrigation facilities are complete. When natural precipitation cannot meet the needs of apple growth in a timely manner, groundwater can be fully utilized to provide sufficient water for apple growth."
On January 10, 2017, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China approved the implementation of national agricultural product geographical indication registration and protection for ""Fengxiang Apple"".
On November 15, 2019, Fengxiang Apple was included in the China Agricultural Brand Catalog."
三、产品特点Product Features:
"外观shape:品种主要以优系嘎拉、优系富士为主,个大,9厘米以上的果达到80%,果形高桩,果形指数大于0.8,果品外形美观,个大高桩,果面洁净,色泽艳丽。The main varieties are Uyghur Gala and Uyghur Fuji. 80% of the fruits are large and over 9 centimeters in size, with a high stem shape and a fruit shape index greater than 0.8. The fruit has a beautiful appearance, a large stem shape, a clean surface, and a bright color.
果重weight:单果约293.5g about 293.5g per fruit
口感taste:果肉酥脆,香甜可口,汁多味浓,可溶性固形物不低于12%,可溶性总糖不低于10%,总酸不低于1.5克/千克。The flesh is crispy, sweet and delicious, juicy and rich in flavor, with a soluble solid content of not less than 12%, soluble total sugar of not less than 10%, and total acid of not less than 1.5 grams per kilogram.
四、如何挑选how to choose:
1. Authentic Fengxiang apples are large in size, with over 80% of the fruits being larger than 9 centimeters. The fruit shape index is greater than 0.8, and the apples are uniform in size. The fruit surface is smooth and glossy, with a vibrant color.
2. Fresh apple stems are usually light green. If the stem has dried out and turned yellow, it indicates that the apple may have been stored for some time and is not very fresh.
3. Apples with large and deep navels tend to be sweeter. Therefore, when selecting apples, you can pay attention to the size and depth of the navel. Authentic Fengxiang apples have a crispy and juicy texture, feeling somewhat firm to the touch but not overly rigid."