
智能科技扫地僧 2024-07-13 15:46:50

当ChatGPT首次出现时,它改变了游戏规则。现在,各行各业的人都在使用它。ChatGPT展示了这些机器学习模型的力量,而我们大多数人认为这种力量在不久的将来是不太可能实现的。然而,尽管这些大型语言模型(LLMs)在其能力上变得越来越强大,但一个非常令人兴奋且潜力巨大的发展是多智能体系统的使用。例如,第一个自主AI软件工程师Devine AI就是基于多智能体框架的。



· 研究以从可靠来源找到所有关键数据。

· 分析所有结果数据并提取数据的关键解释。

· 撰写一份解释发现的报告。

· 然后,报告将接受同行评审,以确保科学报告的准确性和发现得到所呈现数据的支持。





import osimport openaifrom openai import OpenAIfrom crewai_tools import SerperDevToolos.environ["SERPER_API_KEY"] = "your serper api key goes here"os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your open AI key goes here"client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))search_tool = SerperDevTool(api_key=os.getenv("SERPER_API_KEY"))


class Agent: def __init__(self, name, role, backstory, goal, tools=None): self.name = name self.backstory = backstory self.goal = goal self.role = role self.memory = [] self.tools = tools if tools else [] self.message_box = [] # adding memory for the agent to store recent tasks and outputs def add_to_memory(self, entry): self.memory.append(entry) # sending messages to other agents def send_message(self, recipient, message): recipient.message_box.append((self.name, message)) # reading the messages sent from other agents before performing task # this is done by removing messages from message box and added to memory def read_messages(self): while self.message_box: sender, message = self.message_box.pop(0) self.add_to_memory(f"message from the {sender}: {message}") # we now define the function that will do the task assigned # reading messages and adding task to the memory first # the agent will take up the specialised role assigned and querry gpt3.5 def do_task(self, task, inputs): self.read_messages() task_info = task.info self.add_to_memory(f"doing task: {task_info}") '''for the research agent, the search_tool will be assigned to the agent which it will be able to use to do a google search online''' if 'search_tool' in self.tools: search_query = task_info search_results = search_tool.run(query=search_query) inputs['search_results'] = search_results task_info += f"\n\nsearch results:\n{search_results}" llm_response = client.chat.completions.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": f"you are a {self.role}. {self.backstory} Your goal is {self.goal}."}, {"role": "user", "content": task_info} ] ) output = llm_response.choices[0].message.content self.add_to_memory(f"task output: {output}") return output


class TheArchitect: def __init__(self, agents, tasks): # dictionary of all agents based on name self.agents = {agent.name: agent for agent in agents} self.tasks = tasks def process(self, inputs): results = {} current_result = None for task in self.tasks: task_agent = self.agents[task.agent.name] '''to help with debugging and also checking flow of info we can check/print which tasks are assigned to which agent''' print(f"assignin task {task.name} to agent {task_agent.name}: {task.info}") if current_result: inputs['previous_result'] = current_result if 'search' in inputs: search_query = inputs['search'] search_results = search_tool.run(query=search_query) inputs['search_results'] = search_results agent_output = task_agent.do_task(task, inputs) current_result = agent_output # send the agent's output as a message to all other agents for agent_name, agent in self.agents.items(): if agent_name != task_agent.name: task_agent.send_message(agent, agent_output) results[task.agent.name] = agent_output return results



data_collector = Agent( name="researcher", role="Climate Data Collector", goal="Collect comprehensive climate data from multiple sources.", backstory="You gather climate data on temperature, carbon dioxide levels and other variables relevant to climate change, from reliable sources.", tools=['search_tool'])data_analyst = Agent( name="Data Scientist", role="Climate Data Scientist", goal="Analyse the collected climate data to identify significant trends.", backstory="You analyse climate data to find significant trends and understand the impact of various factors on climate change.", tools=[])report_writer = Agent( name="Report Writer", role="Senior Scientific Report Writer", goal="Generate a comprehensive report on climate change findings.", backstory="You write detailed scientific reports based on the analysed climate data, highlighting key findings and implications.", tools=[])peer_reviewer = Agent( name="Peer Reviewer", role="Scientific Peer Reviewer", goal="Review the scientific report for accuracy, clarity, and completeness.", backstory="You review scientific reports to ensure they are accurate, clear, and meet the standards for scientific publication.", tools=[])final_report_writer = Agent( name="Final Report Writer", role="Final Report Writer", goal="Incorporate peer review feedback and finalize the scientific report.", backstory="You finalize the scientific report by incorporating feedback from peer reviewer and ensure it is publication ready.", tools=[])


analyse_data = Task( info=( "Using the following climate data, analyze for trends and patterns:\n{previous_result}\n" "1. Identify significant trends in temperature, CO2 levels, and precipitation.\n" "2. Determine potential causes of observed trends.\n" "3. Summarize key findings in a detailed analysis report." ), expected_output="Detailed analysis report on climate data trends and potential causes.", agent=data_analyst, name="Data Analysis")write_report = Task( info=( "Using the following analysis report, write a comprehensive scientific report on climate change findings:\n{previous_result}\n" "1. Include an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.\n" "2. Use clear and precise language suitable for a scientific audience.\n" "3. Ensure all findings are supported by data and analysis." ), expected_output="Comprehensive scientific report on climate change findings.", agent=report_writer, name="Report Writing")review_report = Task( info=( "Using the following scientific report, review for accuracy, clarity, and completeness:\n{previous_result}\n" "1. Ensure the report adheres to scientific standards.\n" "2. Check for any errors or inaccuracies in data and analysis.\n" "3. Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement." ), expected_output="Reviewed and revised scientific report, ready for publication.", agent=peer_reviewer, name="Peer Review")finalize_report = Task( info=( "Using the following peer-reviewed report, incorporate feedback and finalize the scientific report:\n{previous_result}\n" "1. Address all feedback and suggestions provided by the peer reviewer.\n" "2. Ensure the report is polished and ready for publication.\n" "3. Provide the final version of the scientific report." ), expected_output="Finalized scientific report, ready for publication.", agent=final_report_writer, name="Finalize Report")


ClimateResearchSystem = TheArchitect( agents=[data_collector, data_analyst, report_writer, peer_reviewer, final_report_writer], tasks=[collect_data, analyse_data, write_report, review_report, finalize_report])result = ClimateResearchSystem.process(inputs={ "topic": "Climate Change", "search": "latest climate data trends"})


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