
专筑网 2018-11-27 23:09:56

AAU Anastas在耶路撒冷的十字军修道院设计了石头拱形礼品店

AAU Anastas adds stone vaulted gift shop to Crusaders monastery in Jerusalem

位于伯利恒(Bethlehem)的AAU Anastas工作室为12世纪时期耶路撒冷十字军建造的修道院设计了一个扁平的石拱形扩建空间,以容纳一间礼品店。

AAU Anastas设计的礼品店是一个现代结构,尊重阿布戈什复活修道院圣玛丽的历史背景,这是耶路撒冷十字军建筑见证的最重要的例子之一。

Bethlehem-based studio AAU Anastas has designed a flat stone-vaulted extension to a 12th century monastery built by the Crusaders in Jerusalem, to house a gift shop.

AAU Anastas designed the gift shop to be a contemporary structure that respected the historical context of the St Mary of the Resurrection Abbey in Abu Ghosh – one of Jerusalem's most significant examples of witness of Crusader architecture.



The Crusaders in Palestine were known for using a combination of different architectural elements that they brought from abroad alongside local elements.

Working with local stone masons, the studio adapted existing construction principles using novel design and new fabrication methods.


它的网格状天花板由169个互锁的楔形石头组成,搁在巨大的石柱上。交织石头的系统受到法国工程师Joseph Abeille(1673-1756)的发明启发,他在1699年为一个特殊系统申请了专利,可以建造平坦的拱顶。

Functioning as an extension to the existing gift shop, the structure connects with the monastery building on one facade.

Its grid-like ceiling is composed of 169 interlocking wedge-shaped stones that rest on massive stone columns. The system for interweaving the stones is inspired by the invention of French engineer Joseph Abeille (1673-1756), who patented a special system that allowed the building of flat vaults in 1699.

“新店让人觉得这是一个石头结构。”AAU Anastas说。“就像修道院的大多数建筑——包括教堂的地下室一样,结构的健全性依赖于精细的立体切割工作。”

"The new shop was conceived as a stone structure," said AAU Anastas.

"Just like most of the architecture of the monastery – including the church's crypt – the soundness of the structure relies on a delicate work of stereotomy."



"The techniques used for the construction rely on novel design and simulation techniques of the structure's structural behavior, as well as on fabrication and mounting methods allowing for the assembly of precise topological interlocking," continued the studio.

The studio said that the woven stones are the first reinforced flat stone vault of such a scale.


AAU Anastas以创建实验性的石结构而闻名。不久前AAU Anastas在Jericho制造了一个格状顶篷,由三百个单独切割和相互支撑的石块制成,石塔由机器人切割的弯曲石块制成。

The new shop's square plan is organised around a sequence of columns that line the structure's three facades. Inside, the massive stone columns support display shelving that span across the shop's windows.

AAU Anastas are known for creating experimental stone structures. Previously the firm has made a latticed canopy in Jericho made from three hundred individually cut and mutually supporting stone pieces, and a stone tower made from curvy stone blocks cut by robots.

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