
王润青的记事本 2024-02-23 02:01:48

美西时间今天早上9点到Barrow Neurogical institute 的BNI Petznick Stroke Center参加他们卒中中心的会议。和中国的医院门口不一样,人很少。美国国土面积和我国差不多,人口不到我们的1/4,住院病人应该不多,事实上呢?后面和大家分享。这是St Joseph's Hospital & Barrow Neurogical institute的的Campus Map.

下面是Barrow Neurogical institute简介:

Barrow Neurological Institute at Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona is an international leader in the treatment, research, and education of brain and spinal diseases, conditions, and injuries. Led by Barrow President and CEO Michael T. Lawton, MD, one of the world’s top neurosurgeons, the Institute is one of the busiest centers for neurology and neurosurgery in the United States. Each year, we treat more than 58,000 patients, and our neurosurgeons perform nearly 6,000 brain and spine surgeries. Because of our high volume, our physicians and clinicians are familiar with the rarest and most challenging conditions. It’s not uncommon for patients from around the globe to be treated here.

BNI Petznick Stroke Center 脑卒中急救移动车

会议由Barrow Neurogical institute的David Wang教授主持。下面是茶歇和讨论的小会议室。

Barrow Neurogical institute的茶歇&小会议室的微波炉上面放了一个人脑的模型[呲牙]

Barrow Neurogical institute的门诊和急诊门口都有下面的东西,大家猜一下:视频和两张照片是什么呢?



这次我先到Barrow Neurogical institute的门诊参观,门诊在4楼,下面的照片是其中一个诊室的照片。


下面是去急诊科的路上,和我原来在Peoria的Saint Fancis Medical Center 学习的一样,从救护车进入急诊的门口就有下面的体重秤:地秤;脑卒中的救治,特别是急性缺血性脑卒中的救治直径就在10米左右(CT、MR、DSA,大部分病人溶栓在影像检查室进行),我们医院急诊科脑卒中的救治直径也是10米。

下面是普通神经科病房(病房的门在走廊的一面没有窗户,是推拉门),病房很人性化,因为美国人非常注重个人隐私:有病人的病房是不能拍照片的(为了寻找无人病房拍照片我在Barrow Neurogical institute 里面走了很久。






Barrow Neurogical institute 神经重症有68张床,全部都是单间,和国内的不一样,重症监护室可以有家属陪同,并且是开放式的,靠走廊里面的门是有玻璃窗的,一个护士管两个房间,两台电脑在病房外面,医护人员不用带口罩帽子换鞋子。因为重症监护室病人非常多,全部住满,我也没有拍到病房的照片,下面的两张床的照片是可以充气的防止下肢静脉血栓的带有血栓泵的床。第三张照片是移动护理办公设备。

下面的是BNI Petznick Stroke Center 几个主任办公室的门口,进去以后到了David Wang教授的办公室,我在他的办公室和他边吃水果、喝咖啡等交流了国内外脑卒中的救治情况,并就2024年美国AHA/ASA的ISC会议的相关话题进行了探讨;第三张照片是在David Wang的办公室拍的。

David Wang, DO, is a neurologist in the Petznick Stroke Center and a professor in the Department of Neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute. He is board certified in neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with a subspecialty certification in vascular neurology.

Dr.Wang's expertise includes the diagnosis and treatment of stroke and other neurovascular disorders. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Stroke Association, a member of the National Stroke Association, and the deputy and managing editor of the Chinese Stroke Association's Stroke & Vascular Neurology journal.

下面的两张照片是Barrow Neurogical institute和神经科其他疾病门诊病房的连接走廊。


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