
专筑网 2021-03-08 18:49:56

混凝土之思 / Tarik Zoubdi Architecte + Moubir Benchekroun ArchitectConcrete Phrontistery / Tarik Zoubdi Architecte + Moubir Benchekroun Architect由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。OCP社会教育促进研究所是一个高中项目,源自于为OCP集团的工人们在El Jadida的子女提供适合21世纪教育的新教学楼的想法。近几年,中小学生的数目也在持续增长。Text description provided by the architects. The OCP institute for socio-educational promotion is a high school project, emerged from a desire to provide a new teaching building, fit for the 21st century education, for the children of OCP group workers in El Jadida. Following a growing number of primary and middle school students last few years. 

本着鼓励学习、分享和互动的愿景,新建的高中连接着2017年建造的老中学和附近的OCP住区开发项目。为了保证学生的安全以及减少交通流量,停车场远离学校的主要入口,将其转变成一条行人优先的路径,提供了建筑间流畅的循环道路。With a vision to encourage learning, sharing and interaction, the newly built high school was designed to link the old middle school built in 2017 and the OCP residential developments nearby. To ensure the safety of students and reduce traffic flow, the car park was designed to remain away from the main entrance of the school, transforming it into a pedestrian-priority route that provides a fluid circulation between buildings.

高效地连接场地很重要。鼓励学生们使用临近中学的体育馆和礼堂。为了共享,运动区域位于两个学校的中间。为了更高程度的安全性,仍可以通过内部的门进入。选择教学楼的位置的依据是从所有已有的建筑,尤其是工人们的宿舍的视角来看,视野不能被遮挡。它帮助降低了这片地域的密度,保证了“邻居”之间良好的共生关系。Connecting the site efficiently was important. Students are encouraged to use the sports hall and auditorium of the adjoining middle school. The sports area has been placed in the middle of the two schools to allow its sharing. For more safety, it remains accessible through an interior door. The teaching building position was chosen to provide unobstructed views, from all the existing buildings, especially from the workers' apartments. It helps to dedensify this area and ensure good cohabitation between "neighbors".

项目的影响在于,缩短使用者行走的距离,尤其是在一楼沿着中心走廊建造了中间通廊来连接两个主要的楼梯。巨大的入口广场扮演了学校和周边环境之间的过渡空间的角色,在为孩子们提供安全空间,下课时避免接触机动车的同时,鼓励了社交互动。这个巨大的空白是建筑的高光部分。The compactness of the project allowed us to shorten the distances travelled by users, especially on the first floor, where intermediate passageways have been created along the central corridor, connecting the two main staircases. A large entrance square acts as transitional space between the school and its surroundings, encouraging social interaction, while providing a safe space for children, away from vehicles when leavinges. This large void helps to highlight the architecture of the building. 

为了整合建筑与其背景,建筑的灵感来自于当地遗产“葡萄牙城市”。从城墙上汲取灵感,楼梯作为一种象征性的存在,负责竖向交通且具有很强的向心力,因此从外部也可以看得很清楚。In order to integrate the building into its context, the architecture was inspired by the local heritage of the "Portuguese city" (the flagship monument of El Jadida). Drawing its inspiration from the city walls, the staircase takes charge of vertical movement as a symbolic existence, with a strong centripetal force so that it could be seen from the outside.

GRC板的纯白立面,扮演了和窗花相同的功能,既可以保护建筑避免太阳照射过热的影响,又充当雕塑日光的屏风,为室内空间带来诗意和灵性。室内穿过建筑的“小巷”,不断让人们想起Medinas狭窄而阴凉的街道,它是连接所有空间的核心。The white envelope of GRC panels, plays the same function as the mashrabiya, both as protection against the excessive heat of the sun and also as a screen sculpting the daylight, bringing poetry and spirituality inside interior spaces. The interior "alley" that crosses the building, reminds us of the narrow and shady streets of the Medinas. It is the connecting thread linking all the spaces.

建筑事务所:Moubir Benchekroun Architect, Tarik Zoubdi Architecte类型:高等教育,扩建面积:4382 m2年份:2020摄影:Alessio Mei生产商:Balsan, DELABIE, Gerflor, Lafarge Holcim, Legrand, Lira Lighting, Weber, Adobe, Archicad, Bearch, Dorma, Lug, Saint-Gobain, Twin Motion, Vitra Global总建筑师:TARIK ZOUBDI ARCHITECTE设计团队:Tarik ZOUBDI, Mounir BENCHEKROUN, Marouane CHIBRAOUI, Zahra Belquas, Mehdi ZOUBDI, Simohammed MRINI, Smail OUCHAKOUR委托人:OCP group工程:Jesa ( Jacobs Engineering ) / Team Maroc景观:Lourdes dorey顾问:Tarabi etudes城市:El Jadida国家:摩洛哥

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