
专筑网 2021-03-16 19:58:53

巴西圣保罗Líder 商店 / FGMF ArquitetosLíder Store / FGMF Arquitetos由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。Líder室内设计是巴西主流和领导的家具品牌,旗舰店的设计非常简洁,前部有大而通透的玻璃,后半部有局部双层高的天花板。Text description provided by the architects. The starting point for designing the flagship store for Líder Interiores, a major and leading furniture brand in Brazil, was very simple – a large, glazed space on the front and back faces with a partial double-high ceiling.

建筑师畅想在主要空间的正中间悬挂由仅仅六根细长的缆绳吊起的大夹层,巧妙地体现了金属和现浇混凝土的混合结构,而正是这个结构使得横跨十五米间隙成为可能。由于激活类似商店的顶层存在重大困难,设计的想法决定创造惊喜感、漂浮感,从而引导来访者产生向上探索的兴趣。We proposed a large mezzanine suspended by just six slender tension cables in the middle of the main space, acutely characterizing the mixed structure of metal and concrete cast onsite, which ingeniously spans 15-meter-wide gaps. The idea of creating a sense of surprise, of floating and of getting visitors interested in going up to this area was proposed as a result of the major difficulties found in activating the top floors of similar types of stores.

悬挂的金属花架起始于外部的人行道,以一种弯曲和波浪的形式穿过玻璃进入商店,在六米的高度处又再次穿出朝向外部,成为挑出的檐,标志着建筑物的入口,而这些金属结构远观仿若层叠的迷宫。在人们进入商店的位置,这些花架在日落时分充当遮阳结构,也作为目前商店前部橱窗布局的天花板。商店正中的夹层拥有相似的形状,仿佛就是这些悬挂的花架的一部分,与较低空间里也存在的这些元素反复呼应,整体感觉得到了加强,使之和室外家具展示区紧紧相连。Suspended metal planters start at the sidewalk located outside, penetrating into the store through the glass in a kind of curve and wave, and project outward once again towards the external area, at over six meters of height, becoming a marquee and marking the entrance, almost like an overlapping puzzle. In the space where they enter the store, these planters function as a brise-soleil at sunset and as a ceiling for the current layout in the front of the store, the window. The mezzanine has a similar shape and finish and almost feels like a part of these suspended planters, a feeling reinforced by the presence of these elements in the lower portion, connecting it to the outdoor furniture showroom area.

建筑事务所:FGMF Arquitetos类型:商店面积:928 m2年份:2016年摄影:Rafaela Netto

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