
专筑网 2021-03-03 15:54:42

LAND Community Center / EID Architecture由专筑网wwj,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。LAND社区中心位于西安附近的沣东新区,是新兴社区的社交与文化场所。LAND社区中心被认为是新型住宅的浮动门户,由社区服务中心、自助餐厅、画廊、用于教育和娱乐的多功能室、阅读室、儿童日托中心组成,除此以外还提供羽毛球馆和篮球场,健身室和游泳池。这些休闲空间位于一个椭圆形下沉的庭院中,这种布局方式不会阻挡自然光线。Text description provided by the architects. Located in the new district of Fengdong near Xi’an, LAND Community Center serves as a social and cultural venue for the burgeoning neighborhood. Conceived as a floating gateway for a new residential development, LAND Community Center consists of community service center, cafeteria, gallery, multi-purpose room for educational and recreational purposes, reading room, a daycare center for children, it also provides a gymnasium for badminton and basketball courts, a fitness workout room and swimming pool below grade. These recreational spaces are organized around an oval sunken courtyard to allow the natural light to penetrate into the underground facilities.

出了社区中心本身的职能,LAND被设计为一个提供隐私的公共空间,建筑坐落在沣东区主干道上的居住区入口广场处。建筑师通过将画廊、展览空间和社区服务中心抬升到地面上方,以此腾出了更多的地面空间,为休闲聚会和公共活动提供了场所。反重力结构为路边的行人提供了保护,免受强烈的阳光和雨水带来的困扰,景观广场对附近的居民开放。Beyond the scope of community center itself, the LAND project is designed as an urban structure which aims to provide intimate pockets of public space. Land Community Center hovers over the entry plaza of the residential neighborhood along the main boulevard of Fengdong district. By elevating the gallery, exhibition space and community service center above ground, this community center frees up more open space for the neighborhood, providing a civic place for casual gathering and communal activities. The gravity-defying structure offers pedestrian friendly protection from extreme weather conditions such as harsh sunlight and rain. The landscaped plaza can be accessible for residents of the neighborhoods nearby.

这座建筑的雕塑式品质不仅为新区创造了一个代表性的存在,而且也为居民和游客创造了独特的沉浸体验。建筑底部的复杂性与顶部的简洁性之间的对比和中国传统建筑的理念相一致,即人工干预与自然融合。为了达到建筑底部的雕塑质量和表面效果,建筑师尝试了将数字化制造与当地工艺相结合的方法,来生产预制GFRC面板,底部体量和整体的厚重感参考了当地历史悠久的城墙与大门的造型。The sculptural quality of this building not only creates an identifiable presence for the new district, but also a unique immersion experience for the residents and visitors alike. The contrast between the complexity of organic base and simplicity of the upper volume is coherent with the duality of Chinese architecture tradition: the integration of the artificial intervention with nature. To achieve the sculptural quality and surface effect of the lower portion for the building, a combination of digital fabrication with local crafts were experimented to produce precast GFRC panels. The mass and weight of the lower portion reference local historical city wall and gateway.

社区中心的雕塑基座具有动态的涟漪效果,给人带来触觉和感官上的体验。社区中心的上方被弯曲的高性能超白玻璃覆盖,使得室内充满光线,用于社区聚会和活动。The sculptural base of the community center features a dynamic surface of rippling effect to emanate tactile and sensory experience. The upper portion of the community center is wrapped around with curved high performance low-iron glass unit, forming a light-filled interior space for community gathering and activities.

在下沉庭院中,禅意特色花园成为多层社区中心的视觉焦点。开放的地面和流动的室内概念的引入,鼓励居民之间的互动和交流。通过一系列的精心策划,该社区中心为市民提供了各种特色娱乐项目。In the sunken courtyard, a featured Zen garden serves as a visual focal point for the multilevel community center. An open floor and flowing interior concept are introduced to encourage the interaction and exchange between the residents. Orchestrated through a series of events, the center provides communal experience of the featured programmes ranging for civic to recreational activities.

作为LEED金质认证的建筑,整个项目是一个生物气候基础设施,建筑师通过结合当地的自然资源、气候和材料,并从中获得平衡。该建筑的设计还利用自然通风创造了建筑的蓄热体,降低废气热损失,最大限度提高燃料的利用率,降低单位能耗,这在整个夏天的极端高温高峰期间非常受欢迎,在整个设计布局中,自然光线都非常充足。Designed as a LEED Gold certified building, the entire project was conceived as a bioclimatic infrastructure which tries to obtain its levels of comfort by combining the local natural resources, both climatic and material ones. The building is also designed to stimulate natural ventilation and create thermal mass and shades which are much appreciated during the extreme heat spikes throughout the summer. Natural light is abundant both above and below grade with well-planned program distribution.

LAND社区中心旨在为各种社区活动创建灵活的平台,为促进生机勃勃的社区文化提供催化剂。并通过将当代设计与历史特征融为一体,反映出西安市的文化风情。LAND Community Center is intended to create a flexible building for a range of community activities, providing a catalyst for fostering a lively neighborhood. It reflects the ethos of city of Xi’an by integrating contemporary design with historical attributes.

与中国其他迅速发展的城市形成鲜明对比的是,这种反重力的结构不仅为新型社区创造了独特的建筑表现形式,而且还最大限度地提供了具有开放性和包容性的市民活动空间,营造出一种邻里感和归属感。In contrast to many rapid urban developments in China, this gravity-defying structure not only establishes a unique architectural expression for the burgeoning residential complex, it maximizes the provision of open and inclusive civic spaces for communal experience, creating a sense of neighborhood and belonging for the otherwise nondescriptive urban district.

建筑设计:EID Architecture面积:4500平方米年份:2020年摄影:Lujing Architectural Photography, Yike Studio制造商:Meichuang Building Material首席建筑师:Ping Jiang设计团队:Michelle Bao, Sean Lu, Jinjing Yu, Hong Li, Wei Xu, Chengyang Wang, Yixuan Cheng客户:Shaanxi Vanland Real Estate Co.,Ltd地方设计院,机械工程师:Sichuan Zhoyu Architecture Design Co., Ltd结构工程师:Shanghai Wilderness Structural Design Firm / Shaanxi Taixin Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd室内设计师:Shenzhen Feiyan Interior Design Co., Ltd / Waterfrom Design风景园林师:GZ.S.P.I. LANDSCAPE DESIGN CO.,LTDGfrc:Meichuang Building Material幕墙:CCBH客户:Shaanxi Vanland Real Estate Co.,Ltd城市:西安国家:中国

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