摩根大通资产与投资战略主席迈克尔·森巴雷斯特(Michael Cembalest)深入分析了特朗普第二任期可能给投资者带来的风险。
nauguruption: the flurry ofTrump 2.0executive ordersBefore getting into the eruption of executive orders released vesterday, l want to address auestions on a charfrom our 2025 Outlook which received the most attention. Our goal was to highlight rising hyperscaler capitalspending on Al infrastructure, and the general principle that these companies wil need hundreds of billions innew incremental Al revenues to maintain their current margins due to these new outlays.
What was the inspiration for this chart?“Al's $600 billion question", a piece by David Cahn at Sequoia Capital (previously at Coatue)
Are GPUs really 50% oftotal data center costs? lhave read figures closer to 70%Estimates vary. l used a 50% GPU share as an estimate for a greenfield (new) data center based on commentsfrom jensen Huang in NVilDlA's October 2023 investor presentation, and a chart from GenAl Experts, a groupcomprised of Al professionals from Meta, Uber, Scale Al, Goldman and PwC.
Since hyperscaler capital spending is capitalized, it wouldn't immediately reduce their gross margins from anaccounting perspective, right?That is correct, the impact would show up over time via depreciation, However, these outlavs do immediatelvaffect free cash flow margins. Hyperscaler gross margins are roughly 2x their free cash flow margins, so hadused free cash flow margins as a benchmark instead, the annual revenue reguirement would have been $350bilion per year. Stil a lot more than the incremental new Al revenues that hyperscalers have been earning.
These outlays won't continue forever, right? So why be so concerned about the need to earn a perpetual $400billion in new revenues?
That's a good guestion. As far as l can tel, most analvsts covering the hyperscalers project multiple vears otelevated capital spending on Al infrastructure. One analvst referred to such outlays as "table stakes"; in otherwords, the amount of spending needed to just remain competitive. Iin addition, projections from LawrenceBerkeley Labs show data center power demand doubling from its current 4.4% of Us electricity generation, andIndependent System Operators like PjM and MlsO are scrambling to add new generation capacity based onwhat they're seeing. So, it looks like we've got at least a few more years of elevated hyperscaler spending ahead
Isn't it too soon to worry about the need for "killer app" business solutions that wil utilize all ofthis Al capacity?Isn't that inevitable based on what we have seen so far from early stage GenAl applications?The earlv-stage applications are certainly compeling. Last week, Goldman's CEO said that 95% of an s-1 filingcould be completed by Al applications in just a few minutes compared to 6 banker analysts spending two weeksdrafting documents, and there are other examples like it.
But this observation does not give us (yet) any visibilityon to the price underwriters would pay for these applications, and how these amounts compare to Al capitaoutlavs. That said, many analvsts are not worried at all about corporate uptake of Al capacity. Examples includea response to the Sequoia piece in Forbes, and another from Foundation Capital.
关于这张图表的灵感,来源于红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)合伙人David Cahn撰写的文章《AI的6000亿美元难题》。Cahn此前曾就职于Coatue,这篇文章深入分析了当前AI行业的投资现状和未来挑战。
对于数据中心成本构成,市场上存在不同的观点。有人认为,GPU的成本占比高达70%,但我们在图表中采用了50%的估算。这一数据主要依据英伟达(NVIDIA)CEO黄仁勋在2023年10月的投资者大会上的发言,以及由Meta、Uber、Scale AI、高盛和PwC等公司AI专家组成的GenAI Experts提供的研究报告。当然,具体比例可能因数据中心的类型和用途而有所不同。
虽然这些资本支出不会立刻影响企业的毛利率,因为它们会通过折旧逐步摊销,但却会直接影响企业的自由现金流(Free Cash Flow)。目前,云计算巨头的毛利率大约是自由现金流利润率的两倍。换句话说,如果以自由现金流利润率作为衡量标准,这些企业每年需要额外增加约3500亿美元的收入,以填补这些巨额投资,而目前AI业务的收入增速远远不足以支撑这样的需求。
很多人认为,这种大规模投入不会永远持续下去,但事实上,分析师普遍预计未来几年,超大规模云服务商仍将保持高额资本支出。一位业内人士甚至将这种投入形容为“入场门槛”,即如果企业想在AI市场保持竞争力,必须投入足够的资金。此外,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley Labs)的研究显示,未来几年美国数据中心的电力需求将从目前占全国电力的4.4%增长至接近翻倍,而独立电网运营商PJM和MISO也在加紧扩充电力供应,以满足AI基础设施的不断增长需求。
AI技术的早期应用已经展现了巨大的潜力。例如,高盛(Goldman Sachs)CEO曾表示,AI可以在几分钟内完成95%的上市申请文件(S-1文件)撰写,而传统方式需要6名分析师耗时两周才能完成。然而,这些应用是否能够迅速被市场接受,并创造足够的商业价值,仍然存在很大的不确定性。尽管如此,许多市场观察人士对AI的未来充满信心,认为企业最终将快速采纳这些新技术,以提升运营效率并增强竞争力。
Trump 2.0 is a hodgepodge of distinctly American political strains: the bare-knuckled nationalism and anti-elitism of Andrew Jackson, the tariffloving protectionism of William MicKinley, the smal-government/probusiness policies of Calvin Coolidge, the unforgiving enemies lists and vendettas of Richard Nixon, thedeportation policies of Dwight Eisenhower, the manifest destiny of James Polk and the isolationism of 1914-eraWoodrow Wilson (yes, there are apparent contradictions in Trump's agenda). American First policies createrisks for investors since its supply
side benefits collide with its inflationary tendencies; there's not a lot of roomfor error at a time of elevated US equity multiples. it looks like it will be a volatile vear based on changes so farin the 10-vear Treasury, but there's not enough negative information at this time to change strategyin portfoliospositioned for continued US growth and outperformance, particularly given a more benign tariff rollout.On the next few pages, we look at the eruption of executive orders vesterday with a focus on the ones with thelargest impact on markets and the Us economy.
图:美联储首次降息后 10 年期美国国债收益率变化
Some notes on the Trump 2.0 hodgepodge:
Trump's manifest destiny. Trump mentioned expanding America's footprint by retaking control of thePanama Canal, making Canada the 51$* state, pursuing a purchase of Greenland from Denmark and plantingan American flag on Mars. On the Panama canal: Panama was the first Latin American country to sign upfor China's Belt & Road lnitiative.
Chinese/HK firms now operate ports at both ends of the canal, a Chinesefirm constructed a bridge across the canal and there's discussion of adjacent Chinese rail and port projectsThis casts some doubt on Panama's ability to efectively safeguard canal neutrality as agreed in the treatyNixon's enemies list compiled by Presidential Counselor Charles Colson included a total of 220 politicians,celelbrities, businessmen, reporters, labor leaders and academics. Many people on the list stated that theyconsidered being hated by Nixon as their greatest accomplishment.
You can view the original 1971 versionof the Nixon enemies list here, in the University of North Carolina archivesIMicKinley tariffs. Known as the Napoleon oftariffs, the Republican Mckinley increased the average duty onimports to almost 50%, and to 70% on imported tin plates. The subseguent increases in inflation wereoolitically disastrous: in the 1890 midterms, Republicans lost their maiority in the House with seats fallingfrom 171 to 88. and after the 1892 election, all branches of government were under Democratic contro
1. 特朗普的“昭昭天命”扩张计划
2. 尼克松式的“黑名单”
3. 麦金莱式关税保护主义
Immigration. Trump deportation policies might seem extremel and costly’, causing think tanks like thePeterson Institute to write about potential drags on gowth and employment3. But like Newton's Third Law ofMotion, sometimes every political action has an equalind opposite reaction. The Biden administration oversaw,resulting in soaring unresolved immigration cases, anthe largest uncontrolled immigration surge on recoress at the border. The Trump deportation policies are aerosion in municipal solvency and scenes of lawlessni
reaction to that, and possibly temporary4
US labor markets may start tightening again: the JOlTS job opening rate is rising, the S&P Human ResourcesIndex is rallying and small business optimism/capex pans are rising. Should labor supplies tighten excessively.the Administration would have the tools at its disposalto relaximmigration restrictions.
And remember:Trumpration, which could be increased as necessary.stated again last night that he's in favor of legal immigThe proposed end of birthright citizenship is the mostcontroversial of Trump'simmigration-related executivean interpretation of the 14th Amendment's Citizenshiporders. The order directs federal agencies to adoptClause that conflicts with the past century of practiceloased on a 1898 Supreme Court case. lt takes effect forost certainly be one of the first Executive Orders to makechildren born at least 30 days from now. This will almits way to the Supreme Court; it's unlikely in my view thlat a Court majority would accept Trump's interpretation.
4. 强硬的移民政策
5. 取消出生公民权的争议
According to Vice President Vance, the Trump Administration plans to deport roughly 1milion undocumentecworkers per vear, The current number of undocumented workers in the US is estimated at 11.7 milionThe lmmigration Council estimates that a deportation program could cost $88 bilion per year to implementDeportation impact: PllE estimates a real GDp decline of 1.2%-7.4% by 2028, and similar declines in employmentIn 1954 under Eisenhower, annual deportations peaked at 1.1 million according to DHS data, a figure whichincluded both documented and undocumented workers. just two years later, deportations fell by over 9o% tojust 80,000 as funding and support for the deportation program evaporated1. 根据副总统万斯(Vance)的说法,特朗普政府计划每年遣返约100万名非法移民。当前,美国非法移民总人数约为1170万人。
2. 美国移民委员会估算,实施全面遣返计划每年将耗资880亿美元。
3. 彼得森国际经济研究所(PIIE)预测,若执行大规模遣返,美国的实际GDP可能在2028年下降1.2%至7.4%,就业率也将出现类似降幅。
4. 1954年艾森豪威尔政府时期,美国年度遣返人数曾达到110万的峰值,但两年后,由于经费及政策支持减少,遣返人数锐减90%,仅为8万。
Energy and related infrastructure: read the fine print. You can try to streamline permits for pipelines andtransmission projects with executive orders, but without explicit Federal eminent domain legislation, projectscan still be challenged for a number of reasons. As shown below, oil pipeline, gas pipeline and transmission lineprojects in the US have practically ground to a halt.
lt would be quite a feat from a political perspective to jumpstart the pace. The Trump agenda also cals for an "end to leasing to wind farms", but only 2% of US wind powertakes place on public lands as opposed to private lands, so that's a marginal issue at best.Trump's executive orders also paused distribution of undisbursed loan and grant monies from the infrastructureand energy bills (specifically mentioning EV charging stations as area for pausing disbursements) until Agenciescome up with new energy projects consistent with Trump America First objectives.
This would not count asimpoundment as far as we can tell given the broad spending discretion defined in the original bills. These ordersexplain why in mid-anuary, Biden rushed through a $6.5 bilion loan to Rivian and a $1.7 loan guarantee to PlugPower for a hydrogen project (insert face-palm emoji here).
Trump also refers to terminating the "electric vehicle mandate". My interpretation: Trump is referring to Bidenrules announced in March 2024 that reduce allowable fleet-level GHG emissions by cars and trucks by ~50% by2032. Such rule changes could slow auto industry development of EV models, but the larger driver of Evadoption is probably the $7,500 EV subsidy included in Biden's energy bill. As far as l can tel, Trump cannotunilaterally rescind the EV subsidy as it was part of prior legislation (the humorously named "Inflation ReductionAct"). EVs were less than 3% of the Us passenger car fleet by the end of 2024, so l don't see this as a hugeeconomic driver just vet. The biggest possible casualty: all those EV battery assembly plants that are being builin red states from Georgia to Michigan.
同时,特朗普的行政命令暂停了尚未拨付的基础设施和能源项目资金,尤其是涉及电动车充电站的项目,要求各相关机构制定新的“美国优先”政策后才能继续拨款。这也解释了为何拜登政府在1月中旬紧急批准了65亿美元的Rivian电动车贷款及17亿美元的Plug Power氢能项目贷款担保,以防资金被冻结。
Trump might have more luck achieving Bessent's target for higher domestic energy production. Based on oulenergy math, Bessent's 3-3-3 target amounts to a 7% increase in oil, gas and NGL production (most of which wicontinue to rely on hydraulic fracturing) and is a very achievable goal. Whether this brings down Us energyprices is less clear, That depends on how much of the new production is exported, and the degree to whichstates continue to disconnect coal, gas and nuclear power in favor of renewables and energy storage. As showrbelow, inflation in consumer and industrial electricity supply chains is deeply entrenched at this point
International taxation. | was glad to read this partof the America First manifesto if it means what l think itmeans: “America will no longer be beholden to foreisn organizations for our national tax policy, which punishesAmerican businesses". In November 2023',|wroteabout the Pillar ll tax system that Europe was attemptingtime: “pillar ll provisions are essentially bounty-huntingto impose on the US.
This was my conclusion at thethe tax policy of other countries and collect tax revenuerules that allow a third-party country to intervene iithat it has no legal nexus with. By allowing non-UScountries to collect taxes from US companies on incomex policy and hamstrings Congress' ability to design policyearned in the US, Pillar ll arguably undermines US tabased on US needs". The Biden Administration sup!orted Pillar ll and proposed changes to bring US corporateTreaty by the Senate or via Congressional legislation. Sotax law closer to it, but tax policy can only be set viàfar, Pillar ll rules have not been adopted by the Usand neither have Pillar | rules on Digital Service Taxesanother thinly veiled European attempt to impose pienalties on USs tech giants.
"Drain the Swamp/DOGE" executive orders include a hiring freeze, a pause in regulations not yet in effectrescinding Biden-era executive orders, returning the federal workforce to the office, etc. As we explained in the2025 Outlook, Federal employment of 3 mm people is at its lowest level as a share of US employment in 85years (~2%). Within Federal workers, the largest employer is the Dep't of Defense (excluding active militaryfolowed by the Postal Service and Veterans Affairs, As for agencies in the DOGE crosshairs: the EnvironmentaProtection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Labor when combined account foless than 1% of federal workers, while the Department of Education accounts for just 0.14%. So, it's not clearthat DOGE will be able to move the needle on government spending here.
Having lost his Sancho Panza (Vivek Ramaswamy is reportedly going to run for Governor of Ohio), DOGE Quixote(Elon Musk) will need to proceed on his own in his guest to reduce government spending. Repealing the BiderExecutive Actions shown below would save around $100 bilion per year, which is a small step towards the largelgoals that DOGE has established for itself. Where might DOGE have to look after repealing Biden ExecutiveActions; entitlement spending and defense spending", which are much larger drivers of sky-rocketing Us debtlevels than non-defense discretionary spending or the size of Federal government Agencies.
我对“美国优先”宣言中关于国际税收政策的内容感到高兴,这是否意味着美国将不再受制于外国组织的税收规定,从而保护本国企业不受不公平待遇。早在2023年11月,我曾撰文批评欧洲试图向美国施加“第二支柱税收制度”(Pillar II)的影响。当时我的观点是:“第二支柱税收制度本质上是一种‘赏金猎人’规则,允许第三方国家干涉其他国家的税收政策,收取与其毫无法律关联的税收收入。该制度允许非美国国家对美国公司在本土产生的收入征税,这无疑破坏了美国税收政策的独立性,并限制了国会根据本国需求制定政策的能力。”
拜登政府曾支持Pillar II,并提议调整美国企业税法,使其与该制度接轨。然而,美国税收政策的制定只能通过参议院批准的条约或国会立法执行。截至目前,美国尚未采纳Pillar II规则,也未接受Pillar I关于数字服务税(DST)的要求,这被广泛视为欧洲针对美国科技巨头的又一次“隐形惩罚”。
特朗普政府最新发布的“抽干沼泽”(Drain the Swamp)行政命令包括冻结联邦政府招聘、暂停尚未生效的法规、撤销拜登时期的行政命令,并要求联邦雇员返回办公室办公等措施。根据我们在《2025年展望》报告中的分析,当前美国联邦政府雇员人数占全国就业人口的比重已降至85年来的最低水平,仅为2%左右。
特朗普的“DOGE”计划在失去昔日的“桑丘·潘沙”——维韦克·拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy,传闻将竞选俄亥俄州州长)后,将不得不独自推进削减政府支出的行动。据估算,若能撤销拜登政府时期的行政命令,每年可节省约1000亿美元。
The biggest executive order surprise: the slow rollout of tariffs. Trump stated last night that 25% tariffs couldbe imposed on Mexico and Canada beginning on Felruary 1 since they're “allowing a vast number of peopleof explicit tariffs on China or a universal tariff. Trump alsoover the border", but there were few mentions (yet)first term but they were never implemented.
Trump didthreatened 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada in hissign an executive order directing federal agencies toexamine unfair trade and currency practices and to assesswhether foreign governments have complied with telms of existing trade deals.I still expect Trump to increase tariffs on China and'n EU auto imports as well. lf there is a universal tariff, lexpect it would only apply to critical imports which are 10%-20% of all US imports. As a reminder, most macro-economists who study tariffs believe that they woulreduce US manufacturing employment. lf they're right,the impact could well be felt in red states more thann blue ones (8 of the top ten import/GDP states are red)
While most economists believe tariffs are unlikely to restore Us most manufacturing jobs lost to globalizationsee chart, upper right, let's go back to Newton's Third Law of Mlotion and reactions/opposite reactions again.As shown below, the US allowed the international trade system to get to the point where most countries hachigher tariffs on the Us than the Us had in exchange. By 2015, almost every country was below the "tarifreciprocity line". Had the US not gotten to this point, and had Us industrial production not stagnated sinceChina's entry into the WTO, we might not be talking about tariffs today. Like deportations, should tariffs proveto be the minefield that economists expect them to be, they can always be adjusted and/or repealed.
nent that 10 existing rules be eliminated for any new ruleLastly, on deregulation. Trump mentioned a requirelt Trump applied in his first term. But here comes the fineto be enacted. This follows on the 2-to-1 standard thaprint again: it's hard to dismantle the regulatory state.
As explained below, the notice-and-comment rulemakingprocess could take 6 to 12 months, and sometimeshe Courts side with those challenging new rules (or therescinding ofexisting rules). During Trump's first tern,out of 77 major rules that were challenged, Trump wonjust 31% of the time, experienced a mixed outcome12% of cases and lost the rest of the time?. But even iftill probably dampen the regulatory juggernaut, as similarthe 10-to-1 standard doesn't work as planned, it will spolicies did during Trump's first term. One thing'sfor sure: our CEO clients generally believe that the USvdown in the breakneck pace of regulation.economy would benefit from at least a temporary slo!
The notice-and-comment rulemaking process for changing and rescinding federal regulations could takea minimum of six to twelve months. A new President cannot simply direct agencies to immediatelyadopt new regulations or repeal existing ones. The Administrative Procedure Act generally requiresagencies to provide public notice about new regulations and changes to existing regulations they'reconsidering. Agencies also must make the evidence, research and analysis supporting their proposedchanges publicly available.
The public is then given an opportunity to respond, raise concerns, present additional research orevidence and suggest alternatives. The agency proposing the change is reguired to review thosesubmissions and either adjust its proposal or explain why it rejects the suggestions. lf an agency fails toprovide a sufficiently reasoned response, a court may invalidate the regulation as "arbitrary andcapricious" and remand the matter back to the agency for further consideration.
The Administration mayseek to avoid delays by claiming that changes need to be adopted immediately, on an emergency basisbut courts would carefully scrutinize such claims.The Supreme Court's recent elimination of the Chevron doctrine presents another potential hurdle forthe new administration. For the past four decades, courts generally gave substantial deference to agencyinterpretations of many statutory provisions. With the elimination of Chevron deference, agencies wiloften now be reguired to show that their proposals are not only supported by the administrative recordbut also the best interpretation of the underlying statutory provisions.
最高法院近期废除了“雪佛龙原则”(Chevron Deference),该原则曾给予联邦机构对法规条款较大的解释权。如今,行政机构必须提供更充分的法律依据,证明其新规不仅符合行政记录,还要成为对现行法律的最佳解释。这一变化将使新政府更难快速推进其监管改革议程。