
香课程 2024-03-12 05:13:06



The car accident that changed my life


In this story my family and I were in a bad car accident that leaves me left in the hospital. This is about how the accident started and what was left behind after the whole thing ended from the damages to the car and the damages to my family and myself.


Chapter 1 December Night

第一章 十二月之夜

Accidents can happen to anyone at any given time with no warnings. My family and I didn’t think that it was ever going to happen to us, but we were wrong. It was a cold December night in 2007, a night I will never forget. It was just my mother and stepfather in the front seat, my little younger brother and sister in the back seat and my older brother and I in the farther seats of our 2001 grey van. We were on our way home from my grandmother’s house after an anniversary party for my mother and stepfather’s one-year marriage. We were all getting ready for the big Christmas dinner the next morning, But then something took a huge turn. We were not even five minutes away from our home when then the next thing I heard was a loud “BANG”, tires skidding, braking, and screams coming from inside our car. A red truck with no headlights drove straight into the right side of our van. My sight was becoming very blurry after my head had come into contact with the window. I sat there thinking that the world was spinning faster than ever, not realizing it was our car rolling, not the earth. After the car stop rolling I tried to move but something was pushing down on me. The last thing I could remember was my older brother grabbing my hand while screaming my name.


Chapter 2 The Hospital

第二章 医院

“Doctor, Doctor, will she be okay?” my mother screamed at the doctor as I lay there in the hospital bed in a coma, helpless. I had machines that did everything for me, fed me, breathed for me, used the bathroom for me, even kept my heart beating. Every night my mother slept in the hospital bed right next to me, waiting for me to wake up. It was a warm May morning in 2008 when I slowly opened my eyes. “Mother, are you there?” I cried. My mom leaped out of her chair and ran down the halls to get the doctors. When my vision became clear there was everyone standing around my bed with tears in their eyes. Doctors and nurses were surprised to see me awake after taking a few vital signs. Everything came back normal.


Chapter 3 Getting Back On Track

第三章 回到正轨

The next few weeks were tough. I had to learn how to walk and and feed myself again. It took about two weeks before I had learned to use the bathroom on my own and be able to wash my hands. I wanted to become independent again and not have to worry about having someone doing the work for me. I had to attend therapy three times a week for two months. It wasn’t an easy process, but when you have parents there to support you and cheer you on, then you know you are able to accomplish things you never thought possible. I worked so hard those two months to gain back my independence and after a few months I was able to walk, eat, shower, use the restroom and dress myself without any help. The doctors were impressed with the progress that I had been making. When they took an MRI of my brain, they found the left side was smooshed up. The doctors weren’t sure if it would have an effect on my learning. I was sent to a tutor and they were dumbfounded when they realized that I could learn the same speed as other students in my grade.


Chapter 4 The Struggle

第四章 拼命努力

Summer had already started and as a little child it was the time that we could let all the knowledge we learned drain out of our ears. I, on the other hand, had to attend summer school or I would have been held back. It was a very challenging time, I had the sound that is made when you jump into the pool on a hot June day. I had the smell of hamburgers on the grill. I lost my focus very easily and I got angry at the teacher who was trying to help me. I didn’t think that it was fair that I had to pay for someone else’s mistake. My mom had seen the struggle I was having with the work. She was upset: how I was spending my summer in aroom most of the day. It only took 9 weeks and I had finished the work that I was behind on and I passed summer school and I was able to go onto the next grade.


Chapter 5 Remembering the accident

第五章 回忆事故

It was October of 2008 almost one year after the horrible accident. It was brought up every night at the dinner table how blessed my family was that I survived. I wasn’t too sure on what happened that night, so one night at dinner I asked my parents “What happened in the accident?” My parents both looked at each other and had me sit down in the living room. They played a tap in the VCR; it was a recording of the news report of our accident. It was the van that my family and I were riding in; the windows were all broken, the doors were pulled off and in the back the roof of the car was bent in. I looked at my parents and they told me, “We were on our way home when a drunk driver in a red pickup truck smashed into the side of the van. The van rolled over six times, you smashed your head against the window causing your head injury. Your brothers were beat up pretty bad with cuts from the glass and hitting their heads on the seats. Your little sister survived with just a little bruised chin. While your mother and I had a few broken ribs and slight headaches from the airbags.” I sat there with nothing to say, until I stumbled out “Why was I hurt so bad?” My mother said with tears in her eyes “Your seat belt snapped and while the van was rolling it hit a curb on your side which caused the roof to cave in and squish you.”


Chapter 6 My Story

第六章 我的故事

It took over two years to get over the accident that put me and my family into danger. We never drove down that street after the accident, because we were too scared to see the damages left behind. It was in December we drove down that street after the car accident five years later. And driving on the road you can feel a dent in the road left behind from the van. I wouldn’t change what happened to me because it opened my mind about the dangers of the road and I have a story to share with everyone and how this accident has changed mine and my family’s lives but how it also brought us closer together. Every time my family and I get into our family car and drive on the road, we keep a sharp eye out for the little dangers that can occur, because the accident that we experienced was unexpected.



【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

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