
艺术视界 2024-07-04 11:06:54














十二、2022年10月,石头娃被国家六部委(中国文联、中宣部、中国发改委、中国文旅部等单位)评选为“当代山水画大师 ”、“水墨画巨匠”,并由《人民日报》《环球时报》用英文版发布。



十五、刘骁纯先生在写给石头娃的评语中曾预言:“纵笔大写意,最后的高峰或许就在陕西……” 。6年后,石头娃的超大写意新作实现了先生的预言,作品真正展示出横马立刀,纵横万里之势的秦人秦风。其笔调与生活的妙合,不仅是中国画转型的很好范例,更是对当代中国画发展的重大突破。



Shitouwa (Wang Xiaoxin), born in October 1951 in Zhongnan Buyi, is a cultural scholar from Lantian, Shaanxi. He graduated from the traditional Chinese painting major of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. In 1996, he studied in the National Cutural Heritage Administration (advanced research for cultural relics identification), a national first-class artist, a disciple of Mr. Liu Xiaochun, and a doctor of fine arts. Expert in cultural relic appraisal at Shaanxi History Museum, Visiting Professor at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Member of Shaanxi Provincial Museum of Culture and History, Honorary Dean of People's Daily Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Artists Federation, Honorary Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts in the United Kingdom.

Shitouwa has made outstanding achievements in her over fifty years of artistic career:

1、 The book "Examples of Appraisal of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" has been listed as a national trial reading for liberal arts universities. (Mr. Liu Guangqi, a contemporary expert in calligraphy and painting appraisal, believes thatShitouwa's monograph is the most systematic and complete academic monograph on calligraphy and painting appraisal since the founding of New China.)

2、 The work has won multiple awards at domestic and international art exhibitions: in 1997, the work "Tuwa" won the Special Gold Award at the Canadian International Ink Painting Exhibition; In 2005, "Under the Roof" won the gold medal at the National Urban Tour Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters hosted by the Ministry of Culture; He has published over a hundred works and various art albums in important academic journals such as "Artists", "Art World", and "Jiangsu Painting Magazine".

3、Shitouwa has been studying cultural relic protection for more than 30 years, breaking through two major challenges in the history of international cultural relic protection: degreasing treatment of lacquerware and seamless restoration of ceramics, and has developed the best current cultural relic protection and restoration technology.

4、 After 50 years of unremitting efforts,Shitouwa has put forward a new standard for the evaluation of contemporary Chinese painting, namely the "Three Qi Theory": the Qi of the Heavenly Spirit, the Qi of Nature, and the Qi of literati.

5、 On the basis of using the "Three Distances Method" in Chinese landscape painting for thousands of years,Shitouwa has made gratifying achievements in the field of edge science of the "Three Distances Method".

6、 In terms of research on composition,Shitouwa has created the "Golden Cut" composition method based on the traditional "Tai Chi" composition method: "When you discover different gaps in the creative process, it conforms to the genes of beauty.".

7、 On the basis of inheriting the Han seal,Shitouwa created the first "cold knife" in the history of Chinese seal carving through a unique way of chiseling, giving people the beauty of stone carving from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

8、Shitouwa created his own ink painting technique: "Water is heavy, disorderly, and wood is cracked." His painting technique is vigorous, powerful, profound, and cold, highlighting the majestic and gentle combination of the vast northwest and the Qin wind, leaving a lasting impression.

9、 In 2021, he also wrote "In the Last Days" - A Dialogue on Aesthetic Research betweenShitouwa and Liu Xiaochun. I deeply miss Mr. Liu Xiaochun, my mentor, for his dedicated training and teaching of his disciples, as well as his significant contribution to contemporary art through his aesthetic ideas!

10、 After decades of effort and millions of ink and wash experiments,Shitouwa has created the unique rice paper "Compound Xuan", which has the characteristics of three types of rice paper: raw Xuan, cooked Xuan, and boiled hammer, expanding the use and research of Chinese painting in the field of materials science.

11、 On June 1, 2022, the "Stone Baby Cultural Base" was established.

12、 In October 2022,Shitouwa was selected by six national ministries (including the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Central Propaganda Department, the China Development and Reform Commission, and the China Ministry of Culture and Tourism) as a "master of contemporary landscape painting" and a "master of ink painting", and was published in English by the People's Daily and Global Times.

13、 Dr.Shitouwa was specially invited by the Xixian New Area Cultural and Tourism Group as the "Fucha Culture Ambassador".

14、 In 2024,Shitouwa was recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism as a representative artist for the "Two Sessions".

15、 Mr. Liu Xiaochun once prophesied in his comments toShitouwa: "The ultimate peak of freehand brushwork may be in Shaanxi...". Six years later,Shitouwa's super large freehand new work fulfilled the master's prophecy, truly showcasing the Qin style of the Qin people who stood with their swords and crossed thousands of miles. The wonderful combination of its style and life is not only a good example of the transformation of Chinese painting, but also a significant breakthrough in the development of contemporary Chinese painting.

16、 Over the years,Shitouwa has held more than 40 solo art exhibitions and joint exhibitions in China; Published 67 electronic CDs; Publish 271 issues of electronic link documents. The State Postal Administration has published 5 special commemorative stamps forShitouwa, including 3 appearances in CCTV Literature and Art and more than 30 appearances in Shaanxi Television. Ten years ago, Weihai TV Station published five consecutive episodes of "The Painting Language of Stone Children Written in Mountains and Rivers", which were published and reported 16 times by the People's Daily and 5 times by the special issue of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China. 219 invited artists, professors, deans, honorary deans, chairpersons, and vice chairpersons (red headed documents) by domestic and foreign cultural and academic organizations.

Shitouwa remained obsessed and devoted her whole life to the yellow soil, praising the hardworking masses. For decades, she worked tirelessly and gradually formed her own language and artistic system, constantly moving towards the "pyramid" of Chinese painting.

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