
专筑网 2021-03-11 16:55:08

Catalyst Building / Michael Green Architecture由专筑网小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:Catalyst大楼是华盛顿第一座应用交叉层压木材建造的办公建筑,项目当前正在申请国际未来生活机构的零能耗和零碳认证,这也使其成为满足这两个要求的北美最大建筑。建筑师的目的是为可持续技术、材料、施工技术、操作实践设计一座全集成的生活实验室。Text description provided by the architects. The Catalyst Building is the first office building in Washington State constructed out of cross-laminated timber. It is pursuing Zero Energy and Zero Carbon certification by the International Living Future Institute, making it one of the largest buildings in North America to meet both standards. The building intends to be a fully integrated living laboratory for new sustainability technologies, materials, construction techniques, operational practices, and design.

建筑位于华盛顿斯波坎,面积为165000平方英尺(约15329平方米),5层的Catalyst大楼位于一块不规则的场地上,这里曾经并没有得到充分的利用,因此需要复兴。建筑通过人行大桥和大学区域连接在一起,桥体将两个大学核心区域连接了起来。这里是工业和学术能够交叉创新与合作的区域,建筑因此需要拥有灵活的空间来同时满足办公和学术的双重需求。建筑楼板十分简约,但是跨度较大,从而满足功能需求。Located in Spokane, Washington, the 165,000 sq. ft., 5-storey Catalyst Building is built on an irregular site, which was underutilized and in need of revitalization. The building is connected to the University District by way of the Gateway Bridge – a pedestrian bridge that brings together the two university core areas. Intended as a place where industry and academia can intersect to innovate and collaborate, the building required flexible spaces for both office and academic multi-functional uses. The floor plates were designed to be simple but long span to meet the program requirements.

项目团队的目标是设计和建造一座大型木建筑,建筑的性能甚至能够超越钢筋混凝土建筑,同时在美学、建筑效率、环境影响等方面,交叉层压木材也很有优势。可持续MEP设计、智能建筑管理体系,以及4000立方米的交叉层压木材、胶合层积材产品的使用共同满足了项目的要求,这些设施能够储存3713公吨的二氧化碳,建筑中使用的交叉层压木材面板来自当地的森林,通过生态措施进行砍伐,并在距离项目场地15英里(约24公里)的地方制造。The ambition of the project team was to design and construct a mass timber building that could exceed the performance of a comparable steel and concrete building while showcasing the benefits of CLT concerning aesthetics, building efficiency, and environmental impact. This goal was realized through sustainable MEP design, smart building management systems, and the use of over 4,000 cubic meters of both CLT and glulam products, which have stored 3,713 metric tons of carbon dioxide. The CLT panels used in the building were sourced from local working forests, harvested using sound ecological practices, and manufactured 15 miles from the site.

华盛顿大学碳领导论坛评估了这座建筑的全生命周期(LCA),最终的结论是,木材所存储的碳能够很好地抵消建筑的整体碳影响。建筑师专注于低碳材料,针对建筑环境的可持续讨论能够从使用能源一直延伸到建筑全生命周期的碳排放总量,这个项目很好地证明了,可持续的发展成果和全新的施工策略能够与更加传统指标共存,而这些指标则与可持续性、运营效率,以及使用者舒适度息息相关。A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the building, authored by the Carbon Leadership Forum at the University of Washington, concluded that the carbon storage of the timber nearly offsets the embodied carbon impact of construction. By focusing on lower-carbon materials, the conversation around sustainability in the built environment can broaden from only energy usage to total carbon emissions over a building’s lifecycle. This project proves that sustainable development outcomes and new construction methods can coexist with more traditional metrics for affordability, operational efficiency, and tenant comfort.

建筑还应用了被动式策略,其中包括能够减少用水量的雨水收集系统、结合了被动住宅标准的外立面设计体系,还应用了耐候材料,因此建筑有着75年的预期使用寿命。建筑的气密性测试结构也很优秀,Catalyst大楼的立面性能达到了被动式建筑标准的3倍,同时,建筑还通过一个名为“eco-district”的模型而吸收能量。“Passive-first” strategies include rainwater capture reducing water use, envelope design using Passive House standards, and durable material application to achieve a design life expectancy of 75 years. The building’s airtightness test results were outstanding with Catalyst’s building envelope performing at three times the airtightness required for the Passive House Standard. The Catalyst also draws from a centralized energy plant through a model called an eco-district.

Catalyst大楼象征着斯波坎和华盛顿当地对于可持续发展的承诺,它很好地促进了地区的经济增长。The Catalyst Building symbolizes both Spokane and Washington State’s commitments to sustainability, and it serves as a hub for growth in the region.

建筑设计:Michael Green Architecture类型:办公楼/可持续面积: 165000 平方英尺(约15329平方米)时间: 2020年摄影: Benjamin Benschneider制造商:AutoDesk, C.R. Laurence, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Bison, Boon Edam, Kawneer, Okalux, ROCKWOOL, Sansin, Solar Innovations, Western Archrib, Core Brace, Euroline, Guardian, Hilti, KONE, Katerra, Knight Wall, Maxxon, My TiCon, +5Lead Architects:MGA | Michael Green Architecture (建筑设计):Michael Green, Design Architect Principal-in-Charge Mingyuk Chen, Design Architect Team Lead Katerra (建筑记录):Craig Curtis, Architect of Record Drew Kleman, Architectural Project Manager设计团队:MGA | Michael Green Architecture (建筑设计):Kyle Elderhorst, Paul McBride, Maria Mora, Deagan McDonald · Katerra (建筑记录):Patrick Schwartzkopf, Ondrei Poliak, Jordan Onley, Pete Kanyer客户:McKinstryMep工程:McKinstry景观设计:Bernardo Wills Architects承包商:Katerra木材工程与产品:Katerra竖向转换:Lerch Bates声学:Aercoustics岩土工程:AECOM范式:Code Unlimited建筑立面:RDH Building Science Inc.合作方:Tenant: Avista土木工程:DCI Engineers结构工程:KPFF城市:斯波坎国家:美国

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