
摩登语言学 2024-10-16 19:10:31


On May 9, a Chinese netizen who attended the bread festival, posted a video on Douyin. In the video, a line of mantou was nestled among the array of baked food on display.


The video quickly went viral on Chinese social media platforms, bringing attention to this most beloved staple food in Chinese diet.


Mantou can be enjoyed in various ways. When freshly steamed, it is a delight on its own, alternatively, it can be roasted, skewered, and grilled to golden brown, and its flavor can be enhanced with aromatic spices like cumin and chili powder.视频显示,馒头的标签为“mantao”,描述为:“用小麦面粉、酵母制成,而后蒸制。馒头表面光滑,组织紧密。在中国南方地区,会向馒头里加入糖和油脂。作为主食,馒头有各种各样的形状,最常见的是圆形、叶形和花形。”

According to the video, the label called it mantao, and described it as: "Made with wheat flour, yeast, and then steamed. The mantao has a smooth surface and a dense crumb. In the southern regions of the country, sugar and fat are added. A staple food, it comes in a variety of shapes, with the most common ones being round, leaf, flower."

为什么这里的馒头的拼写是“mantao”而不是“mantou”呢?有这样两种可能。一种是从语言产生者的角度出发。“馒头”的制作大厨是广东厨师,“mantao”是因为吸收了粤语发音的精华。在粤语中馒头的拼音为 maan4 tau4,“馒”(maan4)的发音类似于普通话中的“满”,“头”(tau4)的发音类似于普通话中的“投”,不过声调是低降调。一种是从语言接收者的角度考虑,为了配合法语的发音习惯如果用“ou”,可能会发出/u/的音,即“馒图”,而用“ao”反而更易于发出接近中文的发音。馒头这次也算是见过大世面了:“工作的时候喊职称,请叫我中式无糖面包(Chinese unsweetened bread)。”




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