
专筑网 2019-04-21 22:47:51


Teringa / FGR Architects


这是一栋令人过目难忘的奢华三层别墅,融合了健康技术,使其在高档社区中脱颖而出,表达了一种强而有力的设计理念。该住宅位于Teringa Place,由FGR建筑事务所设计,FGR是澳大利亚第一家将全球公司Delos纳入健康平台Darwin的公司,该公司采用领先技术来监测并净化家庭空气、过滤水,解决适应自然光和缓解有害的室内环境等问题。

A new Toorak home raises the bar of architectural excellence and wellness design

An unmissable luxury three-level Toorak mansion, which incorporates wellness technology throughout, stands out as a strong design statement in the upmarket neighborhood. Designed by FGR Architects, the home, located on Teringa Place, is the first in Australia to incorporate the wellness platform Darwin by global company Delos, which uses leading technology to monitor and purify a home’s air, filter water, adapt to natural light and mitigate harmful indoor environmental concerns.

将健康放在家庭的中心这一理念与建筑师的设计原则紧密相关,这样的理念生成了一个突破性的灵感,那就是将这项世界领先的技术融入这座别墅住宅。 “在我们对Teringa Place的设计中,首先以纯净、原始和简单的材料为指导,其次采用创新的方法,创造了一个拥有丰富生活的家园,从而实现了建筑与健康技术的无缝整合”,建筑事务所总监Feras Raffoul说。

Putting wellness at the heart of the home aligns closely to the architects’ principals and provided a groundbreaking opportunity to incorporate this world-leading technology into a luxury home. - “Our design for Teringa Place was guided by using pure, raw and simple materials to apply an innovative approach and create a home that enriches lives, which allowed for the seamless integration of wellness technology”, said Feras Raffoul, director of FGR Architects.


The design itself – a fluid concrete façade with cascading tinted glass – has an immense presence on the streetscape. Protected from the street by a solid concrete wall, rolling grass follows the baton-like structure, subtly leading down to a seven-car basement with room for a gym. The main entry point of the home is also protected by a statement solid black gate and individual batten-like fence, creating a private walkway with solid powder coated aluminum used to create a definitive pathway.


Upon entering the home, there is an immediate emphasis on spatial volume, with 7m high glass creating an overall sense of transparency throughout the home which consists of 1022sqm of living space. An office and study space is strategically placed at the entry point of the home, creating a private work environment which is comfortably separated from the lounge area and the rest of the house.

FGR建筑师事务所总监Feras Raffoul解释说,设计语言被用来强调空间的重要性,增强家庭的幸福感:“有意识的设计语言能够用来创造从入口到内部生活区的柔软度。这些巨大的玻璃窗,使其成为一个开放式的光线充足的住宅。 “我们选择融入玻璃幕墙,在白天最大限度地获取充足的阳光,而家具则在晚上提供遮蔽感。住宅设计使得顶棚巧妙地剥离,充分利用自然光线,增加了设计想要实现的空间感和幸福感,“Feras说。

FGR Architects Director Feras Raffoul explains that deliberate design language was used to emphasize the importance of space and enhance the sense of wellbeing in the home: “Deliberate design language has been used to create a softness from the entry point to the inside living area of the home, which is open-plan and well-lit due to the vast glass panels which have been installed. - “We chose to incorporate the glazed façade to maximize full sunlight during the day and window furnishings can be used to provide protection in the evening. The home was designed so that the canopy delicately peels away to fully utilize natural light and add to the sense of space and wellbeing we wanted to achieve,” says Feras.


The mid-level of the home is specifically designed for entertaining guests and catering for a large family, with the dining area smoothly transitioning to the self-cleaning pool, alfresco and sunbathing space through large, foldaway glass doors. - “This property has been designed to cater for the differing needs of a large family.The mix of open-plan and private space created in this home allows for all types of families to live together under one roof,” Feras continues.


A clean and considered palette has been used with all wall surface areas, including cement renders complemented with bluestone and timber flooring. Dark joinery has been used throughout the home, fitting expertly with the sealed glass against steel structure that makes the front façade. The expansive kitchen is complete with a butler’s pantry and large statement marble island bench. All north facing, the kitchen, dining, and living area maximize natural light and ensure good solar activity. The home itself is also environmentally friendly with a superior energy efficiency rating.


Moving to the third level, the staircase is elegantly completed with floor length glass railings that lead to five bedrooms each complete with ensuites and walk-in wardrobes. The lavish master bedroom further includes a full dressing room and hidden television.“We tried to do something a bit different with this property and we believe, architecturally speaking, it now sits in its own category. With its gentle curves, the design is fluid and there is a softness from every entry point which translates to the modern approach to living and wellness in the home,” Feras added.

建筑设计:FGR Architects



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