
陌沫之魂 2024-07-10 23:51:27

1. 人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具,但换个角度看,也是满满的温暖。

Life is like a tea table, filled with "cup sets," but from another angle, it's brimming with warmth.

2. 焦虑是暂时的,快乐是永恒的,深呼吸,让微笑成为你的日常。

Anxiety is temporary, happiness is eternal. Take a deep breath and make smiling a part of your daily routine.

3. 别让焦虑成为你的常客,它不受欢迎,用笑声把它赶走。

Don't let anxiety be a regular guest; it's not welcome. Chase it away with laughter.

4. 世界那么大,烦恼那么小,别让小烦恼影响了你看世界的大视野。

The world is so vast, and worries are so small. Don't let minor troubles affect your broad view of the world.

5. 把焦虑打包,寄给昨天,今天只接收快乐和阳光。

Pack up your anxiety and send it to yesterday; today, only accept happiness and sunshine.

6. 生活就像一场马拉松,跑得快不如跑得开心,慢慢来,享受过程。

Life is like a marathon; it's not about running fast but running happily. Take your time and enjoy the journey.

7. 笑一笑,十年少,不笑就亏了,赶紧笑一个,让青春永驻。

Smile, and you'll look ten years younger. Not smiling is a loss; hurry up and smile to keep your youth forever.

8. 别让焦虑成为你的影子,因为阳光下,影子总是跟在你身后。

Don't let anxiety be your shadow, for in the sunlight, the shadow always follows you.

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简介:我自横刀向天笑 去留肝胆两昆仑