
陌沫之魂 2024-07-14 23:58:27

1. 月华如水洗尘埃,古衣轻拂夜未央。

In the moonlight, as pure as water, washing away the dust, the ancient attire gently brushes through the endless night.

2. 独坐幽篁里,思君不见泪两行。

Sitting alone in the secluded bamboo grove, missing you, tears stream down in two lines.

3. 月下琴声断,心事谁人知?

Under the moon, the broken zither's sound, who knows the secrets of my heart?

4. 古镜映孤影,夜深人静思绵绵。

The ancient mirror reflects a solitary shadow, in the deep night, when all is quiet, my thoughts are endless.

5. 风摇竹影动,月下人憔悴。

The wind sways the bamboo's shadow, under the moon, the person looks haggard.

6. 愁云惨淡万里凝,月下独酌思何深。

Gloomy clouds gather over thousands of miles, under the moon, alone I pour a drink, pondering deeply.

7. 古衣轻摆舞风前,月下幽魂泪沾襟。

The ancient dress lightly sways in the wind, under the moon, the spirit's tears stain the collar.

8. 月夜静谧思无疆,古衣人影两茫茫。

In the tranquil moonlit night, thoughts are boundless, the silhouette of the ancient-clothed person is equally vast and distant.

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简介:我自横刀向天笑 去留肝胆两昆仑