
有趣情报局 2025-02-27 03:51:38

近日,能源圈了解到,据美国商业商业资讯businesswire消息,2月25日下午,美国光伏巨头FirstSolar宣布已向美国特拉华州地方法院正式起诉晶科能源及其关联公司,指控其侵犯First Solar持有的美国第9,130,074号专利(简称"'074专利")。该专利涵盖隧道氧化层钝化接触(TOPCon)晶体硅光伏电池的制造方法。

报道称,First Solar通过2013年收购TetraSun公司获得TOPCon技术专利组合,相关专利包括:




First Solar高层表态:First Solar执行副总裁、总法律顾问兼公司秘书Jason Dymbort表示:"我们始终坚持在全球范围内积极捍卫知识产权。尽管与晶科能源进行了多次沟通,但未能达成建设性成果,迫使我们不得不采取法律手段。基于与其他厂商的沟通反馈,我们确信拥有坚实的TOPCon技术专利组合。此案将再次警示行业必须遵守知识产权法律框架。"


TEMPE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) (“First Solar”) today announced the filing of a lawsuit against Shanghai-headquartered JinkoSolar and its related entities alleging infringement of First Solar’s US Patent No. 9,130,074 (the “‘074 Patent”). The ‘074 Patent covers methods of manufacturing Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (“TOPCon”) crystalline silicon (“c-Si”) photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.

First Solar obtained the US TOPCon patents and related international counterparts through its 2013 acquisition of TetraSun, Inc. The patents include issued patents in the United States, Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam with validities extending to 2030 and beyond. The portfolio also includes pending patent applications in the European Union, Japan, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. In July 2024, First Solar announced its ownership of the TOPCon technology patent portfolio and the launch of infringement investigations against several leading crystalline silicon solar cell manufacturers.

“We’ve been clear that we will actively defend our intellectual property rights in the US and internationally. Unfortunately, our interaction with JinkoSolar has been unproductive and left us with no choice but to enforce our patent rights through legal action,” said Jason Dymbort, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, First Solar. “Given the responses we received from other solar cell manufacturers in connection with our infringement investigations, we believe we have a strong TOPCon technology patent portfolio. We expect that our lawsuit against JinkoSolar will reiterate the need for TOPCon solar cell manufacturers to operate within the well-defined framework of intellectual property law.”


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