
专筑网 2019-03-19 23:52:27

Dorothy Garrod公寓楼

Dorothy Garrod Building / Walters & Cohen Architects

本文由建筑师事务所提供。纽汉姆的当代建筑遗产以复杂的砌砖方式、温暖的颜色、积极的空间为主要特色。2014年Walters & Cohen赢得了一项竞赛,被邀请为剑桥大学31个学院之一的纽汉姆学院设计新公寓。

Text description provided by the architects. Contemporary addition to Newnham's architectural heritage that features intricate brickwork and warm, uplifting spaces. In 2014 Walters & Cohen won an invited competition to design new accommodation for Newnham College, one of the 31 colleges of the University of Cambridge.

项目最初的设计是在网球场建立一座有75间宿舍的学生公寓。学校有两套方案,建筑事务所在更广泛的背景下制定了一个总体设计,在充分考虑学校的要求的同时提出了其他的方案:为新建筑提供空间,拆除一座寿命将尽的建筑,这是Basil Champneys原先的作品。灵感来源于同样的艺术与工艺原则即“材料的真实性”。用当下的手工砖自身的巧妙的细节做为补充,但并不完全模仿Champneys的建筑。

The original brief was to design a new 75-bedroom student residence on the tennis courts. The College had two other projects in mind, and we created a masterplan that considered all their ambitions in a wider context. This led to an alternative proposal: demolition of a building at the end of its life to make space for our new building, knitting in among those by Basil Champneys. Inspired by the same arts and crafts tenet of ‘a truth to materials’, the contemporary hit-and-miss detail in handmade brick complements but does not mimic Champneys’ buildings.

Dorothy Garrod大楼包括新入口、门房、设备室、屋顶健身房、办公室、会议室和管理室,以及86间超大双人间学生宿舍,楼内拥有多个房间可供社交活动或聚餐,还有一个可以邀请同学在学校中心休闲或工作的咖啡馆。

The Dorothy Garrod building comprises a new entrance, a welcoming Porters’ Lodge, conference facilities, a rooftop gym, staff offices, meeting and supervision rooms, 86 generous en-suite student bedrooms, kitchen/social areas with plenty of space to cook and eat together, and a café that invites students to linger and work in the heart of the College.

Walters & Cohen建筑事务所与Newnham项目团队、特殊的兴趣小组、学生,办公人员以及研究员共同合作,保证建筑既满足学校的需要,同时是独一无二的。新的立面在Sidgwick大道上表现着强烈的存在感,而不会对历史建筑与花园造成影响。

Walters & Cohen worked with Newnham’s project team, special interest groups, students, staff and Fellows to ensure that the building meets the College’s needs and is entirely unique to them. The new frontage creates a stronger presence on Sidgwick Avenue without imposing on the historic buildings and gardens.


Landscape works are integral to the design, with the building wrapping around a new courtyard garden, and carefully considered interstitial spaces improve visual and physical links between buildings. Integrating the student residence into the main belly of the College has created a stronger sense of community, and the rooftop terrace allows Newnhamites to appreciate their beautiful College from a new perspective.

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