谷润心 谷润天在第四届中白“丝绸之路”国际青少年艺术大赛荣获四手联弹一等奖
根据战老师的建议,谷润心和谷润天报名参加了 4月份由白俄罗斯文化部、白俄罗斯教育部、白俄罗斯国立音乐学院和中白文化促进会等单位组织举办的,第四届中白“丝绸之路”国际青少年艺术大赛。遗憾的时候,因为北京疫情的缘故,比赛被延期。而且,由于姐姐早已申请到美国一所历史悠久的全日制住宿制暑期学校,弟弟也将在华盛顿附近接受为期3周的冰球营训练,在暑假来临之际,两姐弟只得带着遗憾离开北京。
Persisting, Because Of Love
The summer of 2022 was hectic and fruitful for Cece Gu and Terrence Gu.
Cece and Terrence spent most of their childhood in the east coast of the United States, but every summer and winter holiday, they would return to Beijing to meet their extended family and friends. After the family moved back to Beijing in September 2022, they enrolled at Beijing City International School, then later transferred to Beijing Huiwen Middle School and Banchang Primary School. Respectively, returning to the public school system.
Both siblings began learning to play the piano at the age of five and the violin at the age of eight. The learning environment in the United States is relatively relaxed and calm, and it didn’t put a lot of pressure on the siblings. Because of this, their first piano teacher did not require many hours of practicing, but he needed Cece and Terrence to ensure efficiency. They practiced the piano for half an hour and the violin for 20 minutes every day, gradually cultivating their interest in music.
Since returning to China, the learning pressure is certainly much greater than in the United States, especially after transferring to public schools, the intense pace of learning has undoubtedly compressed their practicing time. Fortunately, the siblings met a very good piano teacher in Beijing - Mrs. Zhan Hua Na. She teaches them in accordance with their atitude, and arranges the repertoire for practice and the rhythm of grade examination to try and fit in with their schedule. Mrs. Zhan also makes them realize the gap between them and other Chinese children of the same age through high-quality competitions, so as to maintain their focus when practicing. The children also like Mrs. Zhan very much. She often rewards them with various snacks and small gifts.
Under the careful guidance of Mr. Zhan, the two siblings won the first prize of the Chinese Semi-final of the Magnus Royal Youth International Piano Competition in 2021, the second prize of the Semi-final solo of the Beijing Division of the 10th Steinway National Youth Piano Competition in 2022, and the third prize of the Final Duet.
According to Mrs. Zhan's suggestion, Cece and Terrence signed up for the 4th China-Belarus "Silk Road" International Youth Art Competition in April, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture of Belarus, the Ministry of Education of Belarus, the Belarusian National Conservatory of Music and the Sino-White Culture Promotion Association. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic acceleration in Beijing, the competition was postponed. Since Cece has already admitted to a long-established residential summer school in the US and Terrence would be training at a three-week ice hockey camp near Washington, the two siblings had to leave Beijing with regret as the summer holiday approached.
Before they left, the siblings packed piano books in their carry-on luggage and told their mother that when booking hotels or renting out homes, they would like there to be pianos so that they could practice as much as possible. At the same time, they also agreed with Mrs. Zhan, that when conditions were available, they would continue to adhere to the remote piano online lessons. After all, learning piano is based on love for music, so no one should not meet their requirements just because they missed a competition.
The schedule in the United States was a little tighter than expected. Because it is a full-time summer school, Cece has three different courses plus 2 hours rowing training during the day. After, in addition to three hours of summer school homework, she also had to complete homework from her middle school in China. Terrence ran the day from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., five days a week, intensive hockey training. At home, he had to study Chinese and math to prepare for the new semester.
Even so, the two of them still followed their original plan, and seized every spare time to find the piano to play. Sometimes it was the accompaniment piano by the hotel lobby, sometimes it was the electronic piano falling apart in the corridor of the summer school dormitory, and sometimes it was the old antique in the rented home. Since they learned to play the piano at the age of five, they never had the experience of playing any instrument they come across, but such a "diffucult" chance to practice the piano has inspired them to stick to music.
At the end of July, Μrs. Zhan brought a good news that the pandemic situation in Beijing was alleviated, and the Sino-White Piano Competition was expected to be held in Beijing Concert Hall on August 10. Because of their special circumstances, Mrs. Zhan obtained special permission for them to participate in the competition by submitting videos. The two siblings were very happy, and then worried. At that time, the two siblings were living in different cities in the United States, and it was not easy for them to practice the piano separately. How to get together to complete the recording of the Duet became a bigger problem.
But faced with this hard-won opportunity, the two siblings decided, "If there are no conditions, we will make them."
The elder sister found the summer school teacher explained the special situation, was specially approved by the music department's special recording room. However, because the piano room is only open a couple of times during the week, Cece has to go to the piano room to practice after every day. She can only return to the dormitory after 7 p.m. to finish the homework of the day. She is often busy until midnight and gets up at 6:30 the next morning to start a new day's study.
A local hockey teammate offered Terrence their piano for practice and recording, but it was more than a two-hour drive to and from the rink. Therefore, he took a simple dinner with him on the road every day after the ice, and often returned home after playing the piano at more than 10 p.m., repeating this for a week, hoping to adjust his state to the best.
In this way, the siblings completed their solo pieces separately, and then waited for the Duet. On August 5, Cece’s summer school officially ended. After attending the completion ceremony, she drove to Boston with her family for more than an hour to the piano practice room. At this time, the two had not met for 5 weeks, but their respective persistence kept their tacit understanding, and finally successfully submitted all the competition songs before the match day.
Now, Cece and Terrence have returned to Beijing to begin quarantine, and Mrs. Zhan once again brings good news, their solo won the second prize, and first on their duet. While the grades were not the goal, they were a validation of how hard the two of them had persevered over the holidays. Beethoven said: "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom, all philosophy." With the company of music, they believe that they will reap more happiness in the road of life.