
专筑网 2018-11-14 23:48:19


Aalto University Väre Building / Verstas Architects

来自建筑事务所的描述:阿尔托大学Väre大楼由芬兰Verstas Architects事务所设计,它是一座将设计和商业结合在一起的新型教育场所。该项目集结了多种概念,这座建筑是学生和教师的沟通合作场所,同时也是密集创造、教学、研究、商业场所。这种合作模式能够有效地培养出新型企业与未来人才。

Text description provided by the architects. The Väre Building at the Aalto University campus, designed by the award-winning Finnish bureau Verstas Architects, is a new type of education venue that combines design and business under the same roof. It is dedicated to the concept of doing things together. The building is a place for casual encounters and collaboration between students and teaching staff, for intense creation, teaching and research in creative and business fields. This cooperation is expected to foster new types of start-ups, companies and future talent.

这座建筑综合体组合了不同的功能,其中包含有阿尔托大学的艺术、建筑、设计,以及商学院,这些专业享誉全球,另外还包含有“A bloc”商业购物中心,使用者可以直接从阿尔托大学的全新地铁站进入。地面层面向公众开放,综合体面积约45000平方米,并且有着1850名学生和350名员工。

The building complex is an unusual mix of functions. Besides housing the Aalto University School of Arts, Architecture and Design, and the School of Business, both high-ranking globally, it also includes the shopping centre ‘A bloc’ and is built above and accessed directly from the new Aalto University underground station. The ground floor lobby is open to the public. The complex has 45,000 square meters of space and hosts 1,850 students and 350 employees.

Väre大楼适应了周边的环境,在上世纪40年代,世界建筑大师Aino和Alvar Aalto的Otaniemi区总体规划构成了这座村落式校园空间。新建筑综合体体量巨大,但小尺寸空间的划分却让人感到舒适,这一设计原则也来源于Aaltos的原有设计。建筑红砖立面和图案玻璃也以现代的方式呼应了现有校园建筑。

The Väre Building adapts to the cosy scale of its surroundings. World-famous architects Aino and Alvar Aalto's masterplan for the Otaniemi district in the 1940s created a village-like campus area. The new building complex is huge, but it is designed to appear as clusters of smaller buildings that have a comfortable scale – a principle reminiscent of Aaltos’ design for the old main building. The facades are red brick and patterned glass, and complement the existing campus architecture in a contemporary way.


The Väre Building forms a completely new square with the iconic, old main building. It brings together the main entrances to both university buildings, the underground station and retail spaces, thus adding a spot of urban bustle to the leafy campus. The square is the key new social space in the design.


建筑的空间布局灵活而协调。Verstas Architects事务所的建筑师Jussi Palva说:“我们希望在同一个楼层中结合不同的功能区域,以便让学生和员工的使用空间共同融合在一起。另外,商学院和艺术、建筑、设计学院的学生们也能够一起上课,这意味着一些空间需要共享。使用者会在广场、咖啡厅、学生展览馆、团队工作空间,甚至是楼梯上进行沟通与交流,在这里,楼梯也成为了主要的视觉因素。”

The architecture of working together

The spatial layout supports interaction and flexible use of the building. “We have aimed to encourage encounters by placing workshops of different fields on the same floors and mixing staff and student spaces,” explains architect Jussi Palva from Verstas Architects. “In addition, students from the School of Business and the School of Arts, Architecture and Design have some courses together. This means that some of the spaces are very concretely shared. Users will meet in the squares, cafeterias, student galleries and various group working spaces, or simply on the stairs that are one of the main visual elements in the building.”


The building unfolds as a carefully planned spatial sequence. Rooms are arranged around interior courtyards that open views to all the floors and the stairs between them, which creates a sense of space. The public lobby stands out from the other spaces and helps users orient themselves in the building.


The building provides a variety of spaces for different learning situations. Project spaces and offices can be rearranged. New and innovative pedagogical and study methods might arise in the years to come, and they need to be met in a flexible manner. Verstas Architects believes that the contingent future must be taken into account already in today’s design.

建筑设计:Verstas Architects


主创建筑师:Jussi Palva (主要合伙人), Väinö Nikkilä, Riina Palva and Ilkka Salminen

项目团队:Mikko Rossi (项目管理), Aapo Airas, Aino Airas, Heidi Antikainen, Otto Autio, Anna Björn, Kari Holopainen, Erik Huhtamies, Anna Juhola, Jukka Kangasniemi, Saara Kantele, Pyry Kantonen, Sari Kukkasniemi, Emma Kuokka, Oksana Lebedeva, Johanna Mustonen, Ville Nurkka, Arto Ollila, Milla Parkkali, Miguel Pereira, Pasi Piironen, Teemu Pirinen, Anna Puisto, Aleksi Räihä, Pekka Salminen, Lauri Salo, Katri Salonen, Juhani Suikki, Maiju Suomi, Anniina Taivainen, Tuulikki Tanska, Ilkka Törmä (设计团队), Soile Heikkinen (景观设计), Tero Hirvonen, Karola Sahi (室内设计)

面积:45400.0 m2


摄影:Andreas Meichsner, Tuomas Uusheimo

制造商:BASF, Pilkington, Wienerberger

项目管理顾问:A-insinöörit Rakennuttaminen Oy

施工管理:SRV Construction Ltd

结构与暖通工程:SitoWise Oy

基础工程:A-insinöörit Suunnittelu Oy

电力工程:Rejlers Oy

防火工程:L2 Paloturvallisuus Oy

土木工程:Ramboll Oy

能源顾问:Green Building Partners Oy

客户:ACRE Aalto University Campus & Real Estate

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