
旧游成梦寐 2024-04-29 08:38:55


Harming someone's personality, being happy for a moment, harming a lifetime. The whole of life is interdependent, please learn to be grateful. Grateful of the blessings of nature, grateful for the upbringing of parents, grateful for the sweetness of food, grateful for the warmth of clothing.


There is a boy with a bad temper who often enjoys teasing and making fun of others. After his father found out, he would nail a nail on the wooden board every time he did this.


Later, the boy was asked to pull it out, and although there were no nails left on the wooden board, there was still a hole left to smooth it out.


When you say something unpleasant to someone, it leaves a wound in their heart, like this nail hole. Although it can be pulled out, the wound is always there.


It should be noted that both physical and mental wounds are difficult to heal.


Sympathizing with the weak is a virtue, a realm, and a harmony. Psychological health is essential for physical health.


If a person has a certain amount of talent, they will have more temperament. If a person has a certain amount of temperament, they will have more popularity. If a person has a certain amount of popularity, they will have more career opportunities. Accumulate good deeds and cultivate one's character.

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