
中书国画 2024-08-21 15:38:53











Fang Chuxiong: Master of Fine Brushwork, A Celebrated Artist of Lingnan

Fang Chuxiong was born in October of the Gengyin year in Shantou, Guangdong. He developed a deep love for painting from a young age, and at the age of six, he studied under Master Wang Lanruo. Later, he received guidance from Master Liu Changchao, thereby laying a solid foundation in Chinese painting.

From a young age, Fang Chuxiong was deeply devoted to painting. In his childhood memories, painting was a central part of his life. He initially drew on the ground with charcoal, but his father, concerned about the mess, bought him a blackboard and chalk. Despite a friend's warning about the health risks of chalk dust, Fang's passion remained undiminished. At the age of five, he visited a Xinhua Bookstore and encountered Qi Baishi's Paintings, featuring lively depictions of chicks, ducks, birds, and fish rendered in concise yet expressive brushwork. Fang was instantly captivated, and this sparked a lifelong interest in depicting animals, which would later become a central theme in his work.

Fang Chuxiong began his formal art education at the age of five, under the tutelage of Master Wang Lanruo in Shantou. Wang's skills were profound and wide-ranging, especially in the depiction of the "Four Gentlemen"—plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum. His comprehensive training and diverse subject matter deeply influenced Fang, broadening his artistic scope. Later, under the guidance of Master Liu Changchao, whose brushwork was bold, vigorous, and dynamic, Fang gained a deeper understanding of the essence of bamboo and orchid painting. These teachings allowed Fang to delve into the traditional techniques of Chinese brushwork from a young age.

In the early Gengxu year, Fang Chuxiong was admitted to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The academy offered a comprehensive and systematic education, where Fang studied traditional Chinese landscape, flower-and-bird, and figure painting, while also being introduced to Western techniques. Under the influence of renowned teachers such as Yang Zhiguang, Li Xiongcai, and Chen Jinzhang, Fang honed his skills in sketching and creation. Yang Zhiguang emphasized precision in form and decisive brushwork, which greatly inspired Fang; Chen Jinzhang's insistence on a solid foundation in sketching helped Fang avoid conceptualization in his work, striving instead for uniqueness and specificity.

Fang Chuxiong based his teaching on sketching from life, instructing his students to draw inspiration from nature, believing that a good teacher must also be a good artist. Through hands-on teaching, Fang helped his students rapidly improve their sketching skills while continually reflecting on and advancing his own artistry. He believed that while traditional techniques are important, they must be personalized through deep immersion in nature and a close connection to life, allowing the vitality of nature to be infused into the brushwork. In his flower-and-bird paintings, Fang expanded his subject matter, incorporating African wildlife into Chinese painting, using a unique perspective and delicate brushstrokes to create an innovative artistic expression. He emphasized that painting should not merely capture likeness but should distill and emphasize the essence, revealing the spirit and emotion of the animals.

Fang’s teaching and creation are mutually reinforcing. Over his long teaching career, he frequently reflected on and adjusted his creative methods, continuously refining his approach and drawing new inspiration into his work. Fang firmly believed that a painter’s individuality is more important than the inheritance of a particular school of thought; only through constant innovation and absorption of new ideas can one establish a unique style in the contemporary art world.

Fang Chuxiong is a distinguished contemporary artist of the Lingnan School, known for his unique artistic style and profound mastery of brushwork, especially in animal painting, which has been praised as the "Fang’s Mastery." His works, often imbued with warmth and emotion, seem to sow a sense of both simplicity and brilliance in the hearts of viewers. Fang’s style is rooted in his deep love for nature, where he excels at capturing the everyday scenes of forests and rural life, transforming ordinary moments into poetic expressions on canvas. Having long resided in Lingnan, he has been deeply influenced by its tradition of balancing form and spirit, and its vibrant use of color. However, his animal paintings differ from the dynamic, vigorous style of Gao Jianfu and Gao Qifeng, leaning instead toward introspection and tranquility, reflecting his own temperament. Fang’s artistry carries the legacy of the Shanghai School, intertwined with Lingnan traditions. He combines the meticulous brushwork of the Song dynasty with Western realism, pioneering a new direction for Lingnan flower-and-bird painting, showcasing a fresh aesthetic that invigorates this art form in the modern era.

Fang Chuxiong places great emphasis on the distinctive flora and fauna of Lingnan in his work. His subject matter is unique, ranging from flowers and fruits to birds of prey and wild beasts, even including rare birds, ancient vines, and red leaves. Regardless of the size of his works, they are all exquisitely crafted and widely acclaimed. His paintings have three distinct qualities: First, his depiction of feathers and animals covers a wide variety, from birds of prey to common beasts, all rendered with precision, each creature displaying its own unique personality and expression; Second, he excels in portraying the vitality of plants and animals, capturing the ancient plum and pine trees in his brush as if they were dragons and serpents, with lush branches and leaves brimming with life, reflecting both the exuberance of nature and a reverence for life itself; Third, his flower-and-bird paintings offer more than just a visual delight in ink and color—they convey a deeper spiritual power, expressing emotion through brushwork, allowing the viewer to feel the life force and beauty of the natural world.

Fang Chuxiong is a leading figure of the new Lingnan School, with profound achievements in flower-and-bird painting, making him unmatched in the contemporary art scene.


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