人若没有高度,看到的全是问题,人若没有格局,看到的全是鸡毛蒜皮。If a person lacks height, all they see are problems; if they lack perspective, all they see are trivial matters.
成熟的人,不问过去,聪明的人,不问现在,豁达的人,不问未来。Mature people don't ask about the past, smart people don't ask about the present, open-minded people don't ask about the future.
只有用金钱支持你的人,才是最认可你的人,真心想帮你的人,从来没有那么多废话。Only those who support you with money are the ones who recognize you the most, and those who truly want to help you have never talked so much nonsense.
当你手中抓住一件东西不放时,你只能拥有一件东西,如果你肯放手,你就有机会选择更多。When you hold onto something and don't let go, you can only have one thing. If you are willing to let go, you have the opportunity to choose more.
人之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。人之所以会烦恼,就是记性太好。人之所以不快乐,就是计较的太多。人之所以活得累,就是想太多。The reason why people feel tired is that they often hover between persistence and giving up, indecisive. The reason why people are troubled is because their memory is too good. The reason why people are unhappy is because they care too much. The reason why people live tired is because they think too much.
让自己闪耀如星辰, 不负韶华追梦行Let yourself shine like stars, live up to your youth and pursue your dreams