我的城市已经开始降温了,我告诉自己,你要适应这个世界上所有的温度,不管是季节,还是人心。My city has already begun to cool down, and I tell myself, you have to adapt to all the temperatures in the world, whether it is the season, or the human heart.
不可能天天都是好日子,有了不顺心的日子,好日子才会闪闪发亮。Every day is impossible to be a good day, with a bad day, the good days will shine.
不是所有的事,都值得我们去介怀,有些人,看清就好,不必翻脸,有些事,心里明白即可,不必深究,让心释然,学会拐弯!Not all things, are worth us to mind the bosom, some people, see clearly well, do not have to turn over, some things, the heart can understand, do not have to study deeply, let the heart relieved, learn to turn!
人人都有苦衷,事事都有无奈,不羡慕别人的辉煌,也不嘲笑别人的不幸。Everyone has difficulties, everything has helpless, do not envy others' brilliant, also do not laugh at the misfortune of others.人这一辈子,全力做好事情,全力做好自己,人生就算完整。People in this life, to do good things, to do their own, life is complete.