
悠游空间 2024-08-14 09:36:32


Fashion and food often intersect in unique and creative ways, bridging cultural divides and creating exciting collaborations. The latest news at the hotel highlights such a cross-border collaboration, where the worlds of fashion and traditional Chinese flavours come together.

贵气的金黄色与深邃的黑色交织,经典演绎对中国传统色彩的同时,融入了对团圆佳节的美好期许与深远寓意。以庆祝2024 年中秋佳节为名,旨在将现代时尚美学与传统烹饪艺术相结合,提供独特的时尚与美食相结合的独特体验,在引入创新设计的同时,向文化遗产致敬。

FENDI CASA, one of the most prominent fashion brands, teams up with REGENT BEIJING to launch a limited-edition collection in celebration of the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival. This cross-border collaboration aims to combine modernfashion aesthetics with traditional culinary arts, offering customers a unique experience that pays homage to cultural heritage while introducing innovative designs.


This combination leverages the strengths of both industries to create a product that is both visually appealing and delicious. This exclusive festive collaboration features intricate designs inspired by the FENDI CASA brand’s latest collection. These designs REGENT BEIJING | FENDI CASA incorporate elements such as signature patterns, logos and motifs, making each of a piece of edible art. The packaging is a highlight of this collaboration, esigned to reflect the elegance and sophistication of modern fashion. It uses high-quality materials and intricate details, making it the perfect keepsake long after flavours are consumed. The exclusive festive collaboration underscores the importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a time for family reunions and celebrations. By merging fashion and traditional flavours, the release aims to enhance the festive experience and attract a younger, fashion-conscious audience.

芬迪卡萨与北京丽晶酒店在2024 中秋伴手礼的跨界合作中,巧妙展示了不同元素如何融合在一起,创造出具有创新和文化意义的礼物,在推广文化传承的同时,吸引现代人的品味和情感。此次联合发布的芬迪卡萨2024 奢华限量系列包括芬迪卡萨中秋伴手礼礼盒(8 粒装)每盒388 元、芬迪卡萨中秋伴手礼盒藏宝款(8 粒装)每盒1288 元和芬迪卡萨中秋伴手礼盒藏宝款Pro 版(‘达芬奇密码’定制镀金贵族香薰蜡烛一瓶和定制刀叉礼盒一套配4 粒装)每盒1688 元,迎合客户的各种口味和喜好。芬迪卡萨中秋伴手礼盒藏宝款礼盒均采用皮纸包裹,简约的同时又不失质感,高端感十足。每个礼盒内含两种口味的中秋伴手礼,即港式奶黄流心和巧克力,采用优质食材、柔软的果皮、丰富的馅料和细腻的口感。

北京丽晶酒店| 芬迪卡萨


The Mid-Autumn Festival gift box series starting from the FENDI CASA Hong Kong Style Lava Cakes at RMB 388 per box, contains 8 pieces including 4 pieces custard flavour and 4 pieces chocolate flavour; the FENDI CASA Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Gift Box at RMB 1,288 per box, contains 8 pieces including 4 pieces

custard flavour and 4 pieces chocolate flavour; and the FENDI CASA Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Gift Box Pro at RMB 1,688 per box, contains one ‘ DA VINCI CODE’ series gilded noble scented candle, and one knife and fork gift set, 4 pieces including 2 pieces custard flavour and 2 pieces chocolate flavour; catering to the


various tastes and preferences of customers. The FENDI CASA Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Gift Box are wrapped in leather paper – simple, textured and high end. Each gift box featuring high-quality ingredients, soft skin, rich filling and delicate taste.The Mid-Autumn Festival gift box series is a fusion of tradition, fashion, luxury andcuisine, featuring unique flavours that embody innovation yet respect for traditional culture.

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