
火斯探球 2024-04-17 13:42:30

北京时间4月17日,勇士附加赛94-118惨败国王,无缘季后赛。这是勇士首次在库里、克莱、追梦三人都健康的情况下无缘季后赛。赛后,美媒NBA on TNT晒出水花兄弟淘汰出局的海报并发问:这是金州勇士队一个时代的终结吗?引来热议,一起来来看看球迷如何评论!

We coming back with a vengeance next season!


Kings really ended the warriors dynasty


Draymond's 2 month suspension & counseling Doomed the Warriors season, no other way to put it.

德雷蒙德的 2 个月禁赛和心理治疗注定了勇士队本赛季的失败,没有别的说法。

A moment of silence for the victims of the Warriors dynasty


Warriors have to break up the big 3 & give Steph Curry a chance to win in the back end of his career Steph is still an MVP caliber player but is surrounded by declining players & inferior talent


I think so. Trading Poole for Paul was a bad call. Wiggins and Klay should go


The Warriors have all the elements they need to win EXCEPT a coach who can adjust!


calm down...u realize they missed out on the playoffs of 2020 n 2021 but did go on to win the finals in 2022.


If you're Steph, at his age, do you want to stick around for a full rebuild? If you're the Spurs and you can afford a Steph, do you go get him?


A sad way to possibly end the dynasty. Didn’t seem they wanted to fight back. Heads up Klay, one game can’t tarnish a whole successful career.


There's no other team in this era w four rings. It was an amazing run.


Warriors really had this league on a chokehold for a decade. 4 NBA World Championships, A True Dynasty, World Class Organization. A player who forever changed the game forever in Steph Curry. It’s been a good run! To Steph, Klay and Dray.


Kerr didn’t make adjustments to deal with the Kings double teaming Curry all game. Curry with only 2 assist while being doubled all game!

面对国王队全场对库里的双人包夹,科尔没有做出任何调整。库里全场被双人包夹,只有 2 次助攻!

Chris Paul is missing the playoffs for the first time in 14 years after joining the Warriors. I hate seeing a perennial winner like him dragged down by a losing franchise


There is no dynasty in the Dunleavy era


Time to rebuild.

Next season: Kerr - quit

Thompson - sign to another team

Curry - stay but no great help until he will request a trade.

Green - will retire


Should have traded Klay last season when he was worth something. KLAY, Draymond and Kerr needs to go.


WOW! Loyal Warriors fan of over 14 years and I have finally given up. This will be the last game I ever support of this franchise. My family and I had a party tonight and now we’re embarrassed IN FRONT OF COMPANY . My kids are crying because dad is crying. Enough is enough I am DONE!


I scored as much as Klay Thompson tonight, except I was more productive.


This is the end for them ofcourse, their key guys were older and smaller still, while the rest of the league were younger, faster and bigger compare to them, time to hit that reset button


The best dynasty since the Bulls is officially over.




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